(Ending #1)

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Last Time....

I walked over to Amami's room and lightly knocked on the door. I heard footsteps and then the sound of the door unlocking. The door opened revealing a tired looking Amami.

"Ready to go?"I asked.

He nodded and we left the dorms, heading for the girls washroom.

Y/N's PoV-

We arrived at the washroom one minute late. I gave Amami a nervous glance as I opened the door slowly. I put a finger to my mouth, symboling for him to be quiet.

"Hello? I got your note. Who's in here?"I called out.

No answer. Maybe this was just some prank? I turned around and looked at Amami who was looking in a stall. He came out and shrugged. That's when I saw in. A blur rush from the corner of the dark Washroom. It was too dark to make out who it was, but I could see them take an object from their pocket.

A Gun.

It was haistly aimed at Amami. Time seemed to slow down as my legs seemed to move on their own. I pushed Amami out of the way, and we tumbled to the floor.

That's when I heard a Bang. I felt a thick liquid cascading down my chest, followed by an immense amount of pain.

The gun clattered to the floor as the person ran out.

"Y/N No!"Amami shouted, grabbing my hands.

"Hah....I should have listened to you huh?"I gasped.

"Why....Why the hell did you save me?!"

I forced a pained smile to my face, looking him in the eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? I've fallen for you....I-I couldn't just let you....die...."

His eyes widened in shock. I could see him shake as tears fell down from his eyes.

"Hey A-Amami....Dont be sad alright? I-I love your smile...."I whispered.

My body shook as I began coughing, each cough sending waves of pain ripping through my body. Amami picked me up in his arms. My hand went up to his soft hair as he hugged me.

"I won't let you die. You can't!"He cried.

"Hey....Can I ask you a favor?"


"I wish to see everyone one last time...."

He sped off to the dormatory. Everything was starting to get blurry, either from tears or bloodloss. Before I knew it, we had gone inside the dormatory. I was set down on his bed and he ran out, banging on everyone's doors. After a few minutes, I saw a group of tired looking people come in, followed by Amami.

"H-Hey....Sorry you all have to see me like this...I probably don't have much time, so I wanted to say goodbye."

"Y/N what the hell happened?!"Exclaimed Kaito.

"Ah....I got a note on my lab telling me to m-meet someone.....Amami and I went to the meeting spot and well.....I took a bullet for Amami."

I forced my now-bloodied hand to take out the note and handed it to Kaito, wincing from the pain the movement caused.

"Thank you for caring about me.....Please stay strong and survive."I whispered.

I held onto Amami's hand, I was beginning to lose consciousness.

"You can't die....I told you that we'd get out together Y/N...."

"S-Sorry....I let you down didn't I? Hah...."

Everyone looked so sad...

"Hey, don't look so sad....I just want you all smile one last time....."

I mumbled a curse as my body began to go numb. I was scared out of my mind, but I didn't want them to see it. The world began to go dark.

"Amami....I love.....you...."

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A/N There will be multiple different endings, so don't worry! Happy new year by the way~

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