Car Ride/Color Me by My Clothes: Ch. 3

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A/N: I'm working on my rhymes, tell me what you guys think. And yes, I'm am still aware if it pathetic...

Car ride is slow

Like speaking in monotone

Car ride is long

Almost like my everyday job

Car ride is boring

I feel like I'm in morning

Car ride is tiering

I think I'm whining

A/N: I'm giving you guys two on one page! Ooo, I feel so official!

Black, black, Camo and pink

Metal, metal,confusion and friendly

Or is it just

Black, black, Camo and pink

Black, ripped and red

Metal, dangerous and blood thirsty

Or is it just

Black, ripped and red

Black, holes and camo

Metal, depression and confusion

Or is it just

Black, holes and camo

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