I Remember: Ch 2

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A/N: this I something I wrote for my dad, and my stepmom Stephanie 

When I would sit in front of the window waiting for you when you would've show up

When you wouldn't show up to those Tuesday nights for bowling

When we had "The Talk" around this time of year

When I would cry myself to sleep

When I still do that

When you would tell me not to worry

When I would stand in front of the garage door, because that's as close as I got to the fire on the other side of the door...

When I would cry for you

When I made my mom promise things that weren't reality

When you told me that I should just be a kid

When you said nothing

When you said everything

When the only thing stolen was your passport

When you would't lie but hide

When you couldn't say but said everything

When you blamed

When my mom would say it not my fault

When you told me to "get over it" and my mom told me the opposite

When you went for drive and Stephanie told me it's because I lie and it's because I cheat my way in

When I told you every time that "I just want you to be happy" but never said it to me

When you said that I live in an expensive lifestyle, but that's not what I need

When I dress the way you don't like

When I listen to music that you might not like

When I say I like the stuff we listen too...in front of the people that hate it

When you would imply that I was most popular at school, when people tell me to kill my self

When I'm supposed to forget about you and forget what happened like it's a snowflake melting in my hand

When Stephanie says that I should be thankful, but for what? I didn't ask for the house, or the pool, for that Man Cave, a white room, a silicone house

When you get mad at me for reading this

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