How They Set Up And Celebrate New Year's |+ Mukami Brothers

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Ayato: Ayato will help make a whole bunch of goodies and will kiss and bite you on New Year's.

Kanato: Kanato will make popcorn and put in a scary movie. He'll claim that Teddy got scared, but he didn't.

Shuu: Shuu will keep his earbuds in, but turn down the volume to listen to you ramble. Then, when the ball drops, he'll kiss your cheek, surprising you.

Laito: Laito will...well be Laito, and flirt with you all night. He'll bite you, but kiss you right after.

Suburu: Suburu will help make decorations and will set up a funny movie to watch. When the time comes, he'll gently bite you and kiss you.

Reiji: Reiji won't really care for New Year's and will do nothing to help, and read his book. He'll peck you, though.

Ruki: Ruki will perfer picking a scary movie and then playing a scary game. When the ball drops, he'll kiss your cheek, and later scare you.

Kou: Kou will help clean up after the party and will give you a surprise kiss on the cheek right after New Year's.

Yuma: Yuma would like to bake a cake or cupcakes to celebrate the New Year. He'll smear cupcake on you, but that's the only kiss you'll get.

Azusa: Azusa will want to play hide and cut, but you won't allow it and instead you guys play truth or dare. When the time comes, he'll wish you a Happy New Year.

Sorry I've been away three weeks! I had important business, and couldn't update. Anyway, I'm back and with a new update!


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