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*Sorry For Any Mistakes*

That piercing sound of an alarm clock filled Jessie's bedroom. She groaned and looked at the flashing numbers of 6am on her alarm clock. Today is the start of her senior year. The sun was just peaking through the window. The motivation of getting out of bed for her, was no where near.

She threw her covers over to the other side of the bed and sat on the edge of her bed. Her tiny dainty hands rubbed her eyes trying to get the sleepy goo out of her eyes. She made her way around to her bathroom which was a complete disaster. There were towels, clothes, hair products, a flat iron, blow dryer, and hair ties lying anywhere and everywhere in that bathroom. She groaned, and made her way to the mirror. When she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she shuttered. Uglier than ever, she thought.

She did the usual style, which is straightened hair, black eyes liner, mascara, a little bit of black eye shadow, and her Chapstick. She looked at herself and smiled a little bit, but then rolled her eyes at herself. She's always been so self-conscience about herself, but never lets it show.

She didn't feel like making that 'first impression' on the first day of school like most people do. She decided to wear a 'Sleeping With Sirens' band shirt and black skinny jeans. She snatched her phone from the nightstand and grabbed her black jacket with the lower half a reddish color that looked like flames.

She sighed, as she opened the door leading her out of her sanctuary. Nothing was good at all outside of her sanctuary. If she could have it her way, she'd never leave her room, not even for a second.

She runs down the stairs and jumps over the last two steps creating a loud 'thud' making her mom jump.

"Dammit Jess! Stop acting so careless!" Her mom grits through her teeth.

Jess just rolls her eyes and walks off. Her mom has never understood her and never even tries to understand her. Her mom just shuts her out at times and won't even give her the time of day.

Jess walks out of the kitchen and into the living room where her converse lay. She puts them on and searches for her keys. As she looks at the key rack, she notices her aren't there. She groans and turns around walking over to the kitchen counter. She doesn't see them anywhere and it's hitting 6:45am.

"Mom! Have you seen my keys anywhere?" Jess growls

"Oh yes, I took them and let Abby, our neighbor's daughter use them yesterday." She says tossing the keys over to Jess, who catches them with ease.

"What?! You let someone use my fucking car without permission from me?! The person who bought the car herself?!" Jess screams at her mother.

"Watch your mouth and don't you use that tone with me young lady!"

"You've never cared about me or my personal shit! See you later mom!" Jess says in a deep pissed voice. Walking to the door.

"Jess! Get back here! Jess! I swear to god if you walk out that door-" Jess opens the door and slams it shut not allowing her mom to finish her statement.

That's how most of their conversations went. It begins with her mom saying something that makes Jess pissed, then Jess leaves the house. Jess was really getting tired of all this arguing everyday. Half the time, Jess doesn't even come home on time because she knows her mom is drunk around 8pm and passes out around 10pm.

Jess makes her way to her car with the warm sun beating down. It's the first week of September and it still feels like the middle of summer. She looked in the passengers seat to make sure her bag she left in it was still there. Luckily it was. Jess glanced inside to make sure everything was in it. She didn't see anything missing. At least she hoped nothing was missing.

She sighed and got into the drivers seat turning the car on. She made her way to school to begin her senior year. The year that changes her outlook on everything and everyone...

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