"I'm just really confused about this whole thing. I mean I'm not the mothering type!" Morphine said. Loki sat beside her, gently stroking her face. "Love, you'll make a wonderful mother." He said and kissed her forehead. "Besides, our child will be the most beautiful, smartest, and most powerful child in all the nine." Morphine chuckled softly, "Basically, another version of you." she said. Loki smiled, leaning in for a gentle kiss-

"Sorry to interrupt this love fest, but your brother wants to speak with you." Tony said as he came into the room, and helping Morphine get the IV out of her arm. "I'll be waiting on the other side." He said before leaving the room. "Can you conjure up me some clothes?" Morphine asked Loki, with a flick of his wrist, she was fully dressed. She grabbed his hand, and they left the room, following Tony to room where Vigr was.

"He's in there with Natasha," Tony said while pointing to where Vigr and Natasha were sitting. Vigr, who was crying, had his head down, while Agent Romanoff was staring at him sternly.

"Vigr." Morphine said, getting his attention. Vigr smiled once he saw Morphine, "He's all yours." Natasha said, getting up and leaving.

Vigr wiped away his tears, not wanting his sister to let him see him cry. "Senta, I-I'm sorry." He said. "Why are you sorry, Vigr?" She asked. "I-I should have stopped Bani and Bilstyggr. I did not want them to cause a war. I did not want father to cause a war. But since I am the youngest, they never listen." He said.

Morphine's face softened, "Vigr-" She started, but he put his hand up stopping her. "No, sister. Father, Bilstyggr, and Bani are responsible for their deaths and for starting wars. I shall be a better king for my realm, and bring peace. I must go home."

Morphine sighed, and looked over to Tony, who was shaking his head with arms crossed. "Stark, come on. Let the kid go home." She said to him.

"No, Morphine. We don't know if he'd bring the rest of the fire nation to finish what they started." Said Tony.

"He's a fool to believe that Muspelheim could be a realm of peace." Said Loki. "It's impossible."

"Maybe it is...but I must try. Please." Vigr begged. Tony rolled his eyes, and walked over to them. "Please stop whining. You can go, but it's going to be on my ass and Morphine's. So you better not bring the rest of those demons." Vigr nodded vigorously, "You have my word." He said, then turned to Morphine, "Thank you, sister." He reached out and hugged her before opening a portal back to Muspelheim.

"Well, Nick's going to be pissed once we tell him that your brother's gone." Tony said. Morphine nodded, "Yeah, but he's a good kid. He didn't deserve to be locked away." She said and turned to Loki, "We should go home. I'm tired, and it's been a long day."

"Indeed, it has." Loki agreed. "Farewell, Stark." He said before transporting them back to her apartment.

Meanwhile on Muspelheim, Vigr stood in the palace waiting for his mother. She briskly walked over to him, with Keyva trailing behind.

"Where is your father and brothers? Have they conquered Asgard and Midgard?" Leidr asked her youngest son. Vigr looked down, "No, mother." He said.

"No?" She asked incredulously. "They are dead. They were defeated by Senta and the defenders of Midgard." Vigr said, finally looking her in the eyes. "But I could rule Muspelheim peacefully, mother." Leidr chuckled humorlessly, "We are not a peaceful race. It was your father's mission to burn the other realms, and have them begging for mercy. What makes you think that we are a peaceful realm?" Leidr said, "My son, you are too naïve. Who has put these ideas in your head?"

"Well, No one, mother. I just thought-" "You thought what?" Leidr cut in. "That you could toss away what your father has worked for? Have you gone mad, you will rule Muspelheim the way your father has, and you will avenge your father and brothers' death."

Vigr shook his head in disapproval, "I can't mother, after what I saw on Midgard...I just can't bring myself to harm anyone."

"Damn it, Vigor! You will rule this realm mercilessly as your father once did, or you can rot in the dungeons. You have a day to decide. Keyva, take Vigr to his chambers." said Leidr. "Yes, my queen." Keyva said before bowing and taking Vigr to his chambers.


"Ugh! It's the third time he's called!" Morphine complained, while looking at her phone. "Shall I get rid of him?" Loki asked.

"What do you mean by get rid of him? Like tell him to fuck off, or kill him?" she asked. Loki smirked, "Yeah, I think I'll handle it." She told him before answering her phone, while he went to raid the fridge.

"What now, Stark?" She said.

"Hello to you too, Morphine." Tony said. "So, have you thought about it yet?"

Morphine sighed and rolled her eyes, "Tony, if you think I'm gonna name my kid after you, you're wrong!"

"Aaaw! You're noooo fuuuun!" He slurred.

"And you've been drinking. Where is Pepper, she should keeping you away from the bottle." Morphine joked. She heard him scoff, "She's busy not paying attention to me."

"Well this has been great and all, with you constantly annoying me, but I have to go." She told him. "Okay, bye Juno." Tony said before hanging up. Morphine hung up, shaking her head and going to the Kitchen where Loki was.

She caught him stuffing his face with pop tarts, "Uh...do you need to be alone with those pop tarts?" She said, while stifling a giggle.

"Thor has told me about the pop tart. He said it is most delicious! That oaf was right about something for once." He said.

"I could use a pop tart as well. I've been kicking ass on an empty stomach."

Fire and Desire (Loki Laufeyson BWWM) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now