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After explaining to Nick about her engagement and her leaving. And since they were going to Asgard in the morning, Morphine felt a little nervous. Loki lied across her bed, watching as she paced around her room and mumbling to herself like a mad woman.

"What troubles you, my love?" He asked.

"I'm so nervous about going to Asgard. Odin wouldn't approve of us, and I'm sure no one would like me because of what I am." She said. Loki shook his head, "Worry not about that. All will be well." He wasn't really sure how anyone on Asgard would react to thought of a demon living among them, or the fact that he wanted to marry her. He knew that Odin would think he was rebelling against him, and marrying her out of spite. Loki did admit to himself it was something he'd do, but he genuinely loved and cared about Morphine and wanted to spend all of his years with her.

Loki cleared his throat, which made Morphine stop pacing and she glanced at him.

"We shall leave tomorrow." He said.

"Tomorrow?! I...I'm not ready." She said. Loki smiled a small gentle smile, and she would've melted into the ground with that look he gave her.

"Love, we must. You have my word that all will be well." He said softly. Morphine nodded.

"Okay...what do uh...Asgardian people wear? I don't wanna look out of place." She said. Loki chuckled, "It's all taken care of." She nodded once again.

She sighed, and decided to lie down beside Loki. She watched him close his eyes and sighing deeply.

"Are you sleeping?" She asked.

"No, I'm meditating." He said. She scoffed. "I always thought meditation was bullshit." She told him.

"It helps me relax, and makes my magic stronger." once he said that, she saw some the things on her dresser floating in midair with green mist. Then they dropped back in their place, he then looked at her with intense eyes that held mischief in them and small smirk on his lips.

"Does that look like bullshit?" He asked in a smug tone.

"I think I'd like to learn how to meditate." She said.


After teaching Morphine the art of meditation and controlling her powers, Loki sat beside her, cross-legged and meditating as well.

Morphine did as Loki said, she closed her eyes, breathing deeply, and clearing her thoughts. After their meditation, she felt energized.

"That was very calming." She told Loki.

"Yes, I haven't meditated in a very long time." He said. "Why don't you try to control your powers once more."

Morphine nervously looked at him, she tried to do that last time, and it didn't go to well when she almost set the apartment on fire. He nodded for her to try it. She focused really hard, closing her eyes as she felt the flames engulf her slowly. Loki watched as she was being slowly covered by the blue flames, and her ears were pointy. Morphine opened her eyes and met Loki's stunned green eyes. He saw that her eyes weren't the innocent brown eyes that he knew, they were black and demonic. He took a step closer to her.

"Stay back." She said in a raspy voice.

Loki ignored her, and got close enough to her without being burned. She levitated to meet his height and the flames disappeared. She was still in her demon form, and he could see the tribal markings of demon of Muspelheim. He reached to trace the markings, his hand burning in the process, but he ignored it.

Morphine saw his skin turn blue, and his eyes turn red. She touched his skin as well, and he was cold to the touch.

"Fuck! We must be a sight to look at." She said softly. Loki looked down at the floor.

Fire and Desire (Loki Laufeyson BWWM) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now