"Who're they? Your new Minions?" Tony asked.

"We are not minions. We four are the children of Surtur." said Bani. "Four?" Tony asked confused. Vigr and Bani stepped to the side to reveal Morphine. Stark was shocked and confused. Jones must be under some kind of influence by Loki. Tony thought.

"What did you do to her, Loki!?" Tony shouted, aiming at him.

"I've done nothing to her." Loki said, his face expressionless. "I've decided to help my brothers conquer Midgard for our father." said Morphine.

"Jones, Don't-" Tony was cut off as Morphine projected fire at him, sending him flying across the city. Bilstyggr gave his sister a pat on the back, "Nice job, sister." He said. Just as they were about to move on to destroy the rest of the city, Vigr noticed an arrow coming their way. He caught it with ease.

"What an interesting arrow. Not as good as mine, but-" Vigr was cut off by Morphine shouting, "Vigr, No!" The arrow exploded, Loki grabbed Morphine, protecting her from the explosion. He and Morphine both fell to the ground along with her brothers and the other demons.

Hawkeye tried to focus on the demons, aiming his arrow and shooting at them again. Bani got up, "I shall take care of this." He said with a gruff, as the arrow came flying their way, he caught it. Before the arrow could explode, he threw it back at Hawkeye with so much force, he then threw a fire ball the second the arrow exploded. Bani chuckled a deep dark chuckle, "Nice one, brother." Bilstyggr said. "Right Vigr? Senta?"

"Very nice!" Vigr said. "Whatever, let's move." Morphine said.

Bilstyggr grabbed Loki roughly, "Let's go, son of Laufey." Loki rolled his eyes, keeping his mouth shut. The group went on, while the three brothers led the way, pulling their weapons out when the fire got too boring. "Looks like we have guests." Bani said, pointing to Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, and Iron Man.

"Morphine and Loki, end this now!" Tony shouted.

Bani and Bilstyggr growled, Morphine glanced at Loki, who gave her a slight nod. "This is for my father and Muspelheim. All of this!" She said stepping up. The heroes put their guards up as she took another step. "Once this realm is taken over by my brothers and I, you will all submit to Surtur."

"Did Loki do this to you? Are you under his influence?" Hawkeye asked while glaring at Loki. "No! I'm doing this for my father and my realm. Loki is nothing to me." She said in her best evil voice. Damn, I should be an actress. She thought.

"Morphine, snap out of it. Don't make us have to-" Cap started, until thunder boomed in the sky, They all looked up as Thor came down from Asgard.

He looked around at all the madness caused by the demons of Muspelheim. "Demons! Look at what you've done!" Thor shouted.

"It's quite nice, isn't it?" Bani said to Thor. "My father is burning Asgard at this moment while we burn Midgard. And no one will stop us, Odinson. Not you, not your brother, and definitely not the defenders of Midgard." Thor gripped mjolnir in his hand, about to strike Bani, but the unthinkable happened.

Morphine grabbed Bani's sword and stabbed him. Loki stabbed Bilstyggr in the back, before freezing him. "Look!" Black Widow shouted, pointing at the scene. Vigr dropped his arrow and bow, but the rest of the demons were ready to attack.

"Send in Banner." Black Widow said into an earpiece.

Thor grabbed Vigr before he could run, "Please, I never wanted to do this." Vigr said. "Let him go, he is but a child." Loki said while projecting magic at the demons. Thor dropped the young boy, as he scurried off somewhere to hide.

The rest of the Avengers were trying their best to kill the demons, though they were strong, the demons were stronger. "Their too strong." Stark said. "I've fought bigger, Man of Iron!" Thor said, smashing a demon in the face with his hammer.

Meanwhile, while the Avengers and Loki were fighting the demons, the helicarrier released Banner as he was in his Hulk form. He came crashing down, as soon as he touched the ground, he was smashing demons left and right.

As Morphine was helping her friends kill the demons, she wasn't aware of Bani coming behind her. "Morphine!" Loki shouted, but it was too late, Bani had taken Bilstyggr's ax and stabbed her with it. She screamed and fell to the ground. "You've betrayed us, Senta! I shall kill you with my own hands." Bani growled pulling the ax out of her back. Morphine tried to crawl, but Bani kicked her over. Morphine closed her eyes, preparing for her brother to kill her, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes to see Bani frozen in ice. Turning around, she saw Loki standing before her. "Morphine." He said, going up to her, hugging her. "You can't fight like this."

"I can try." She told him.

"Think rationally, love." He said to her. Loki helped her up, as she continued to kill the demons.


The demons were finally killed, all of them, and the Avengers put up a good fight. But they weren't done yet.

Surtur appeared, glaring at Morphine. "You've killed your people! For what? Midgard? The son of Laufey? You've disappointed me, I guess I shall do what my children couldn't." He said as he was changing into his demon form.

"No!" Thor shouted. "We must stop him!"

"I got this!" Stark said, shooting him. "Uh, is it me, or is he getting bigger?" Black Widow said. Loki rolled his eyes, only he could do this. He tried to freeze Surtur, it was working as the giant was getting weak, and shrinking back to his human form.

"No! Senta, don't let him do this!" Surtur shouted as his lower half was frozen. She glared at him, before whispering something in Loki's ear. He smirked, and stood beside Thor. Surtur smiled a smug smile, as Morphine walked over to him.

"Father, I realized you were right. About everything." She said. "My child, I forgive you. Now unfreeze my lower half at once."

Morphine glared at him, clutched the sword tightly, and chopped Surtur's head off. "Fucker." She said under her breath. The Avengers were speechless, it was utterly shocking and incredible.

They all wanted to celebrate for winning against the fire demons, but all smiles were wiped away as Morphine suddenly fainted.

Fire and Desire (Loki Laufeyson BWWM) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now