Confronting & Clues

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(I personally want to thank Cindy_Kat For giving me this idea please go follow her it will help alot <3)

Yoongi's POV
I didn't go to my next period. I knew sooner or later mingi was gonna hurt herself. So i got some kawaii girly band-aids for her

I put it in her locker just in time when the period ended. Phew~

My locker was right next to hers so i had to walk somewhere to go back to my locker so it didn't look suspicious. Mingi approached me and looked sad.

"Where were you?" She asked almost in tears.

Shit. This really hurt her. I looked down and saw she had a band-aid over her knee.

Aish. Why am i going places at the wrong times?!

Before i could say anything mingi hugged me

I looked around to see who did this to her unless she did it by her clumsy self.

I saw tzuyu smirking. But she was holding something behind her back. When students saw the object they ran away in fear.

Author's POV

But little did yoongi know that the students didn't want to die, that's what they were running from. (She has a butcher knife behind her if you didn't know) they were too scared to go to the principle, thinking they would get brutally murdered in their sleep.

But if mingi told yoongi what happened that WOULD happen to her.

Mingi feared for her life.

She went too far.

She should've moved when tzuyu told her to move seats.

Or was tzuyu the one going too far?

She needed to be strong.

"Yoongi, meet me at the cherry blossom tree after school." Mingi's whisper like voice quivered when she spoke.

Yoongi nodded softly with a confused look on his face(eu)

"It involves tzuyu.." mingi said even quieter.

Yoongi nodded with a understandable face. But inside he has mixed feelings of anger and worrisome. Weird combo right?

"Lets go to class ming." As yoongi says mingi's nickname she smiles. It sounded so cute coming from his mouth. They walked to class together smiling.

After School

Yoongi went to the blossom tree that was at least a mile away from school.

Mingi was walking there and was afraid. So she started running as fast as she could. She was the fastest female in the school so she thanked god for giving her the ability to run fast.

She'll need it. A lot

As she reached the cherry blossom she mumbled a silent thank you to god.

"What happened today? And be honest." Mingi gulped at yoongi's request of a question.

"I was on my way to class.."

Flashback time
Mingi's POV

"Crap i forgot my notebook!" I cursed myself and ran back to my locker before class started. Someone grabbed my arm and covered my eyes. I used my free arm to elbow them in their stomach.

I heard a female voice groan and take away their hands from my arm and eyes as i turned around to see tzuyu. She had a knife in her hand. Before she could regain herself i kicked her so hard she hit the wall with a lot of force.

I ran.

And ran.

Until i scraped my knee while falling with a rough skidding sound against my knee. I quickly regained my strength after i saw tzuyu running behind me. Anger drenched in her face.

I started to run again. Saw the class i was originally supposed to be in and ran in, interrupting the whole class. I had worry and fear on my face andi started crying after i shut the door. The teacher came up to me and asked me, "what happened?" A Worried and sorrowful expression was on her face.

I told her the whole story and she said she would tell the principle.

End of flashback
Author's POV

Yoongi felt anger and sorrow at the same time. Anger for tzuyu's actions. Sorrow for mingi. Even more anger since he wasn't there to protect mingi.

Yoongi hugged mingi while she started bawling out her tears.

Yoongi felt tears running down his cheeks as he cried silently. He failed his bestest friend.

After that they talked and mingi told yoongi about the band-aid incident. And how she felt like she knew it was jimin. "Jimin is a really sweet oppa(older brother term) but he needs to stop with the cute inspiring quotes on them, why doesn't he give me a regular band-aid? I could understand if it's another person doing it but sheesh." Thats what she exactly said, word for word.

Mingi had no idea it was yoongi though.

"I mean it is really cute and stuff, he did a pretty good job on them." Yoongi felt happy, even though mingi thinks they were from jimin, she says that "jimin" did a really good with them. He thinks of that as a compliment since he was the one who really did the band-aid thing.

Yoongi walked mingi home and said his goodbyes and left happy. (Don't worry yoongi didn't get attacked by tzuyu or someone who is working for tzuyu)

The next thing mingi did was question Jimin as soon as she saw him.

“jimin, we need to talk about the band-aid issue.”

Jimin seemed confused at what mingi said. “sis, I know your getting Band-Aids in your locker but it isn't me...”

Jimin knew Yoongi liked mingi since 2nd grade (pun intended, get it? Cuz of the BTS song 2nd grade? No? Mkay baaaai~)

And if Jimin knew that Yoongi liked his little sister, he of course would know the plan.

After mingi left from confusion and frustration Jimin called Yoongi.

Calling Yoongi...

"Annyeong Jimin."

"It's time.."

*Chuckles* "I know, she told me."


"dude, you just ruined the vibe.."

"Oh...*clears throat* carry on then.."

"Can' ruined the 'suspicious cliffhanger vibe'...traitor."

"Sorry man."

"I'll go now."

Call Ended


1011 words!

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