"...You're lying... But your not lying about being a bad guy though."

"What are you doing here with Giotto's new subject?"

"It's okay to cry you know?"

"Furthermore the thing of Giotto falling in love with Tsuna is even more shocking don't you think?"

"...M-My name is... Nia... I was p-playing with my brothers b-before... But then i a-accidentally hit Decimo w-with our ball so... He got mad and he asked Mr.G to s-sent me here as n-new subject for experiment. I don't wanna be here... People who got experimented by Decimo never come back... Mom said that it's because whatever happen toward the subject while in the process of experimenting make them lose their humanity... In the end Decimo kill them all."

"If you're mind is filled with that girl... And if i remind you so much with a guy you called 'Primo'. I'll just make you forgot them and fill your mind with me only."

  "That's it Tsuna... You are not stuttering to me! Finally! You know i don't mind people die. They're just tools for gooder glory for Vongola. But you... You're different. You don't even know the true form of Vongola. You didn't show any slight of fear toward me. You stay innocent and all. You know you're the first person to do that to me. And that make me really happy Tsuna... I crave for that... How you cutely thought i was a good man... How you talk to me and smile later on... I love every bit of it... I just want to keep you to myself... And you're gonna be mine. Even if i have to force you to love me."  

"You're MINE!!!"

And before Tsuna know it, he was on the ground, panting with a slight tear on his face.

Giotto was on top of the bed, looking down at Tsuna with confused, guilty, and mad look.

"I-I'm sorry... i don't think i'm ready for any of these yet." Tsuna evaded Giotto look as he tidy up the clothes that he's wearing.

"Just what was that... Sounds? Who is the one who made those sounds? I can tell some of it are Giotto's...  But...  Some sounds with his voice didn't really sound kind at all... Ahh my head hurt..." Tsuna thought as he pat the back of his head.

Giotto observe Tsuna's overall weird attitude. This attitude always come when he tried to do things to Tsuna. At first Tsuna seem like he's okay and accept it but later on get depressed and look toward Giotto with those eyes.

Eyes that show fear.

Eyes that show anger.

Eyes that resemblance the old Tsuna.

"Did his memories came back? No...  If he does regain his memories then he'll try to run away from me, but Tsuna is overall obedient this whole time. Did he not regain his memories but only fragments of it?  Only administrators of Tri-Ni-Set can give his memories back but beside me there's no one else who can give him his memories... Is it possible that Kawahira is still alive? No...  I killed him with my own hands...  He couldn't be alive. And with the Giglio Nero's all been killed, there's simply no one left that could implant Tsuna's past memories back. Except... No it's impossible... Or is it?" Giotto thought as he leave Tsuna alone on the room. He need to check on something. And if his deduction is true then...  This perfect world is in a grave danger.

~~•Later On•~~

Tsuna was walking around the town as he looked for anything to do.

He was stop when he saw an ominous scene.

The strawberry cake that he love so much was out of stock.

He nearly scream at the sight of the empty table that is used to have a bunch of cakes but now empty.

Letting out a sigh, Tsuna walked away from the town. But, something stop him.

A cake.

An precious 1 slice of strawberry cake is left on a plate on the ground.

With his eyes shining with delight, Tsuna practically jumped toward the cake with happy cat ears and tail. (A/n: Don't you dare judge me for writing this, this is what happen when writer block get to me.)

Suddenly a hand grab him and pulled him to the alleyway.

He looked behind, expecting to saw a bunch of delinquent or mafioso that wanna try to use him to get to Giotto, but to his surprised, the one who pulled him was a girl.

The girl was wearing a strange clothes with a big white mushroom shaped hat.

"Tsuna! I finally have a chance to talk to you alone!" The girl said as she stop at the dark alley.

"What?  So she's searching for a chance to speak with me alone for a long time then? Who is this girl?" Tsuna thought as he observed the girl

"Now we don't have much time but... We need to kill your boyfriend."

Wait what?


Fuhh...  Glad i can update at least a chapter...  Now first, i want to apologize for not updating for a while, like i said i got struck with writer's worse nightmare which is writer block. Not only that, now school is starting on my place...  And oh god how i f**ing hate it. Well see you on the part 2 of happy ending. Please vote and comment. Bye~!

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