Chapter 9- Easedropping

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"So Egon how are you holding up? This certainly hasn't been easy on you." I overheard Peter saying to Egon. They were both talking along with Ray and Winston. I had just come out of the bathroom. And i was going to join them considering Janine just went home. They were in the same room as they were earlier with the toaster.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, Peter. I'm very happy that Vada is with me now. I've been really worried that Gracie would do something awful to her." Egon told him.

"Now what I want to know is how the hell you fell for a bitch like Gracie?" Peter asked Egon.

"Well, that's an interesting question. Trust me, I can see how she charms men. She's got that mysterious look. And while we were going out she was funny, smart, caring, understanding. Basically a dream woman." Egon explained.

"So a dream boat." Peter told him.

"How does she know that your the real father?" Ray asked.

"Well, about last year she was looking to put Vada somewhere and she was sure I was the father. So I took a DNA test and it matched." Egon explained.

"I'm suprised she didn't kill Vada. She sounds like a cold hearted bitch that would." Winston commented. I was suprised she didn't.

"She told me she was just going to hire someone to kill Vada but I told her not to. I talked her out of it and said I would take custody. The thing that got me worried was when she hung up the phone and never called back. Thankfully she somehow tracked me down and then we all know the rest." Egon explained.

Wow, I would thank him right this minute but he might get mad because I was easedropping.

"Damn, at least she's in good hands with the good al ghostbusters." Peter said leaning back in his chair.

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