Chapter 6- A visit from Janosz

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*Dana's POV*

After all the lights went I quickly rushed to go find a candle and check up on Oscar. I opened to see Oscar wide awake in his crib.

"Hello, sweetheart. Hello. Go back to sleep, darling." I softly tell him as i hear a knock on the door.

I move to the door confused as i'm not expecting any visitors.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Janosz!" Janosz voice says. I try not to sigh as i open the door.

"Janosz... Hello, Janosz! This is a surprise." I say.

"Ah, hello. Yes, well, I happened to be here in this neighborhood, and I thought that I would stop by to see how is it with you. You know, because of all this blackness." Janosz explained.

"We're fine, thank you." I told him. That's really sweet of him.

"Well, then you're okay. And how is the baby?" He asked seeming concerned.

"He's okay." I told him.

"Woo-ooh!" He called to him. I really had a bad feeling about him being here now and I certainly don't trust him with my baby.

"He's sleeping." I quickly told him holding up my finger.

"Oh, but I woo!" Janosz said.

"It's okay." I told him.

"Dr. Egon Spengler has a Daughter named Vada correct?" Janosz asked trowing me by surprise.

"Umm, yeah." I said studying him closely.

"Do you need anything, you know? You want me to come in?" Janosz asked.

"No, thank you." I told him.

"Ah, well. just thought that I would check. You know. Well, hey, you; don't let the bedbugs bite." Janosz said leaving.

"Good night, Janosz." I said closing the door.

That was a very strange and creepy visit.

*A/N: hello! Thanks for reading!

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