Chapter 1- Meeting my Father

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"Come on you little shit

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"Come on you little shit. I'm so done with you! I'll be really happy about getting rid of you!" My "Mother" Gracie told me grabbing my arm tightly and pulling me in this bookstore called Ray's Occult. Today i was being dropped off to my father, Dr. Egon Spengler.

I was very nervous considering I never meet him before! But Gracie didn't care. I only known of him because Gracie told me of him today! But she only told me his name was Egon Spengler.

We walked in to two men talking to each other. One of the had brown hair and was sort of getting a stomach. I recognized him as Ray Stantz. As my mother cut out a photograph that she wouldn't tell me where she got it. The other was tall and had glasses. There stood my father. Egon Spengler. I sort of hid behind Gracie.

"This one's interesting, Ray. Berlin, 1939. A flower cart took off by itself. Rolled half a kilometer. Three hundred eyewitnesses." Egon explained to Ray.

"My best to the covent." Ray said to a customer who was leaving before he turned to Egon. "Berlin, huh? You know, we should also check Duke University's mean averaging studies on controlled psychokinesis."

"I pulled it." Egon told him.

"May I help you two ladies?" Ray asked turning to me and Gracie. Egon also looked and i saw his eyes turn shocked.

"Hello Egon." Gracie said glaring at him. Oh boy...

"Hello Gracie. Sleeping with someone in New York again?" Egon asked coldly. I snickered because Gracie has slept with more than a million guys in all her life.

"No, I'm dropping off this thing that belongs to you. DNA test proved your the father." Gracie said gesturing to me.

"What thing? All i am seeing is an adorable child you've probably been abusing." Egon told her coldly. Maybe i will like this guy. All my life the only names I've been called were bitch, slut, stupid, etc. I was never called adorable before.

Hell i never really was outside either! Gracie ketp me inside my room most of my life. Well if you want to call a closet a room. I was let out a little but I've never been to school. My grandma taught me and tried getting custody of me but died of some type of poisoning.

"That's Vada. She's definitely not adorable. She's an asshole, so be careful." Gracie warned him. I looked down embarrassed but not shocked. Even though i heard this all my life, it's still hurtful. I actually noticed Ray looking shocked at Gracie.

"I think she will be a lot better than you. And she is adorable." Egon told her.

"Whatever, I don't give a damn. Just take her or throw her out. I don't care. She's an annoying little slut." Gracie said as she left while she bumped into me and slammed the door.

It was awkward for a few minutes until i spoke up.

"Just so you know, I don't sleep around like she does. And if you want, i can leave." I explained looking up at Egon as I explained it in a quiet voice.

"No you can stay. I'm so sorry all that's she's probably put you threw. I didn't find out you were born up until a year ago." Egon told me.

"It's fine and thank you." I said giving him a little smile.

"Has she always called you names like that? And been cruel like that?" Ray asked.

"Yes. But I deserve it so it's not cruel. I'm surprised she didn't say anything else. She usually always loves to tell her friends and boyfriends how slutty or bitchy i am." I explained truthfully.

Egon looked shocked as did Ray. Both didn't say a word because they seemed to not know what to say.

Suddley the Dr. Peter Venkman came threw the door! I loved his show! Unfortunately I only watched a little of it because I wasn't allowed to watch TV

"Ah, perhaps you could help me. I am looking for a love potion aerosol that I could spray on a certain Penthouse pet to obtain her total submission." Peter said as I backed up a little.

"Hello, Venkman." Egon greeted him.

"Hi, Pete, how's it going?" Ray also greeted.

"Hey, well, hi, Egon. How's school? Bet those science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours." Peter said coming up to him.

"I think they're more interested in my epididemis." Egon joked.

What the hell did 'epididemis' mean? I'm guessing it's a male part of the body...

"You didn't hear that." Egon told me awkwardly. I nodded and laughed a little. Peter turned to me with a look of confusion on his face.

"Who's the kid?" He asked Egon quietly.

"Peter this is my biological daughter, Vada. Vada this is Peter Venkman." Egon introduced us.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Venkman." I said holding my hand out so he could shake it. He smiled and took it.

"Just call me Peter. Well it looks as if i owe you both ten bucks." Peter sighed getting out his wallet. He handed Ray and Egon ten bucks each.

"Why do you owe them ten bucks?" I asked confused.

"Because I made a bet with Egon and Ray that Egon was a virgin." Peter explained sadly as he was losing twenty dollars.

"Thank you." Ray said smuggly.

"Thank you, Peter." Egon smiled.

"Eh, eh, whatever, Ray, let's close this place up so you can buy me a calzone." Peter said sitting down.

"Oh, I really can't do that right now, Pete. I'm working on something. But your book came in! "Magical Paths to Fortune and Power"." Ray explained.

"Thank you." Peter said taking the book.

"Good luck with that, Venkman." Egon told him.

"I'll definitely read it one day." I piped in.

"Will you put this on my account, please?" Peter asked.

"Sure." Ray said.

"Ray, take a look at this." Egon said giving him something while I started looking around the bookstore.

As i was looking I realized theses were very unsual books. Most ones thats must be very hard to find!

As i was looking around i was startled by a noise! I ran and saw Peter pulling Ray's ears!

"Aggh! Aggh!" Ray cried out in pain.

"Who?" Peter asked as I went and stood next to Egon.

"I can't! No, no, no! No, I can't, I-" Ray tried to explain.

"Yes you can, yes you can! Who?!" Peter asked.

"Why is he doing that?" I asked Egon.

"Nobody, nobody!" Ray cried.

"I'll explode later." Egon said watching the sence.

"Can you tell me now?" Peter said as I finally had enough and stepped up.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I told Peter who ingored me.

"Aggh! I can't, no, I-" Ray said.

"Stop it! Your hurting him!" I said loudly.

"Now?!" Peter yelled over Ray's cry.

"Aggh, aggh, Dana Barrett!" Ray said giving in. Who was Dana Barrett?

"My Dana Barrett?" Peter asked letting go of his ears.

Egon's Daughter Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora