"And silver medals right? Second place gets silver?" Owen asked.

"There are no silver medals, just gold."

"But at the Olympics-" Owen combatted.

"Just gold that's it." Chris says shutting him up. We follow Chris into the Acropolis. "Our first historical event is a Grecian scavenger hunt. The inside of the odeum of pericles is filled with maze like rows of huge columns. Players must search through this ancient forest of columns and return with the Grecian treasure that awaits you inside. First one to do so takes the gold, so who's going first?" 

"Me," Duncan and Gwen said it together.

"What?" Courtney said as Gwen and Duncan go back and forth about the other could go. I blink before offering up my hand.

"I can go?" I ask.

"Gwen vs. Duncan it is," Chris said.

"Wow, that is so fun," Courtney said.

"What's the big deal? Just let Kaylub do this event," Duncan said going over to Chris.

"My decision is final Duncan." Duncan grumbles. "Excuse me?"

"I didn't say anything."

"And you won't say anything else until the Olympics are over. Between now and then you can either zip it or sing it. That'll begin to make up for the songs you missed while you were in breach of your contract, and if you speak instead of singing, you'll earn a lash from Chefs Olympic towel."

"Ooh, a towel, I'm so scared."

"You should be. Exhibit A," Chef lashes at him causing him to scream out. "Shucks really should have sung that ow, bro." He gets lashed again and sings this time. "Much better." He then tosses Gwen a trash can lid and handed Duncan his own.

"Um why do we need these?" Gwen asked.

"These authentic Spartan shields will help you in your treasure hunt. For the treasure you seek is tied to a garmantheon boar. Good luck to you both. Duncan, Chef will be following yourself remember, so be sure to sing it if you got to say it. Chef sound the Spartan battle horn." He blows a kazoo. "That's the Spartan battle horn? For reals?" Chris said unimpressed. "Just go already. The rest of you follow me." 

"Wait we're not going to stay and watch... closely?" Courtney asks as I look back before catching up to Chris. 

"Nope, time to switch channels, just like the real olympics." Chris catches my eye as I look up to him.

"You do know Cody and I are both male right?" I ask him still very offended. I heard him chuckle before I felt a pat on my shoulder.

"Yes but it's fun to tease you two," he said as we soon met at a dirt circle. I stood with my team with a sigh. "Pankration is an ancient Greek martial art with no rules. Last man standing wins the gold."

"As the strongest Amazon, I volunteer to fight for our team," Courtney said.

"I'm pretty sure I'm the strongest. With Kaylub second" Cody said as I nodded. She gives a half hearted chuckle.

"As I was saying,"

"Ugg, that's it, I volunteer to fight Courtney." Sierra said shocking us.

"Um, I need someone from Team I am really really really really hot to get involved here...anyone." Chris said as I notice Alejandro looking at me questioning. I blush. "Sold, into the ring with all of ya." Heather and I stay out of this as Sierra, Courtney, and Cody go in along with Owen and Tyler. Cody rushes for Owen, but ends up being sent flying as I see him flying.

Total Drama World Tour: Kaylub's EndWhere stories live. Discover now