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It was no surprise to Harry that Louis had Eleanor flown out to be with him no less than a week after what happened. He tried not to take it personally, but no matter how optimistic he was about it, he always found fault in himself.

Harry always hated when Eleanor came on the road, and it wasn't because he disliked her, it was because she was the one taking up Louis' time. She was the one attached to his hip, not him. Harry always missed his best mate during these times, and this time he only felt worse about it.

Louis wasn't the same since that night. He was quiet and distant with almost everyone. He wasn't the vibrant person he usually was. And Harry knew it was because of him. He broke Louis.

"You and Louis fighting or something?" Zayn asked Harry as they sat on the tour bus outside that night's venue.

"Uh, nah. Why? Did he say something?" Harry asked, trying not to sound too overwhelmingly paranoid.

"Nah, man. You two just aren't being 'you two'. You know what I mean," Zayn went on.

"Well, you know..." Harry hesitated.

"Eleanor," they both said in unison before letting out a laugh.

"Can I bunk with you tonight?" Harry asked, causing Zayn to quirk his eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, sure. I don't think Louis' going to take it well though," Zayn said matter-of-factly. Harry and Louis were permanent roomies on the road and at home, but Harry was sure none of that mattered to Louis now.

"His girlfriend is here," Harry said, rolling his eyes, feeling the annoyance of Eleanor's presence.

"As far as I know, Eleanor leaves tonight," Zayn told him.

"Oh. I didn't know that," Harry said as his heart sank. Usually he knew everything that was going on in Louis' world. It was just further proof that he messed everything up.

"She only got a few days off from Uni. That's why she's here, I guess," Zayn shrugged.

"Hmm," Harry hummed, feeling absolutely miserable.

"Are you two really that off?" Zayn asked, furrowing his brow in concern.

"Not off..." Harry said, his words trailing into silence, because he knew they were.

"Have no fear, mate. You can room with me. Payno and Niall are together tonight," Zayn said with a smile.

"I'm not going to be cutting in on the Zerrie phone sex, am I?" Harry asked, smirking at his friend.

"No, not tonight," Zayn replies, smiling bashfully as Harry registered a hint of a blush on Zayn's cheeks.

"Christ," Harry laughed, giving Zayn a hard pat on his shoulder as he stood on his feet.

"What?" Zayn protested.

"I was joking, ya know," Harry laughed.

"I know," Zayn said, sounding less convincing than he may have wanted to.

"Yeah," Harry laughed as he headed toward the bus exit.

"I know ya were," Zayn laughed as Harry gave him one last wave before disappearing off the bus.

As soon as Harry walked down the hallway toward the band's dressing room, he could hear Eleanor's laugh. A feeling of bitterness and regret washed over him. He liked Eleanor. He did. Just not right now. Not when his and Louis' friendship was dangling in the wind and she was in the way of them finding some sort of common ground. He didn't like the fact that Louis had her flown out so he didn't have to deal with what happened. Harry told himself he'd bury it. He told himself he'd do that for Louis. But Louis was playing dirty. It seemed almost like he was flaunting his relationship in Harry's face. Or maybe it was something completely different altogether. Like maybe Louis was trying to bury feelings he may have felt when they kissed. If that were the case, then it really ticked Harry off.

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