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The first time Louis kissed Harry there was alcohol involved. Lots and lots of alcohol. Mainly on Louis' end because he was the only one in the band to pass the drinking age in the States. Harry got the job done though by taking sneaky sips from everyone's glasses throughout the night. He was buzzed enough to make his night just a little bit better. But Louis – he was hammered, and practically screaming as he sang his way onto the bus that night.

"'Rovers til' I die! I'm Rovers til' I die! I know I am! I'm sure I am! I'm Rovers til' I die!'" Louis belted out his football teams chant, his arm around Harry as they nearly toppled onto the bus together.

"Quit pissing around and get your arses on the bus," they heard Paul's gruff voice from behind them. Maybe a year or two ago they might have taken him seriously – Paul being the hulking man he was. But over the years they got to know their security quite well... and well, Paul was a teddy bear.

"Louis, get ahold of yourself," Harry chuckled, his cheek pressed firmly against his friends as they ambled toward the couches.

"'I'm Rover's til' I die!'" Louis shouted, nearly deafening Harry in an instant.

"Christ!" Harry yelped, pulling away from Louis altogether, watching as he lost his balance and hit the sofa with an 'oof!'

Harry could do nothing but laugh, finding much hilarity in Louis' drunken state. Louis was his favorite person on earth. No matter what the two of them were doing, whatever hijinks they were ensued in, the laughter never ceased while they were together. There were many inside jokes that not a soul alive would understand besides the two of them. So many memories they had made together over the three years they'd been storming the globe together. And Harry was sure this night would be bumped to the tip-top of his memory.

"'I know I am! I'm SURE I am! I'm Rovers til' I die!'" Louis continued to shout, thrusting his fist in the air as he did.

"SHUT IT!" Zayn's voice came from the rows of bus bunks. Sleep pretty much came second to none in Zayn's world, and if you disrupted him during it, he turned into a completely different guy – like Monster-Zayn or something. Grizzly bear-Zayn. Godzilla-Zayn.

"You shut it, Malik! I'm Rovers til' I die!" Louis shouted back.

"You're bleeding pissed, is what you are," Harry laughed heartily as he watched his best mate sway drunkenly on the sofa.

"'I'm pissed til' I die! I'm pissed til' I die! I know I am! I'm SURE I am! I'm pissed til' I DIE!'" Louis sang out as loud as his voice would go.

"FUCK OFF!" Zayn rumbled moments before a shoe came hurdling down the hallway at Harry, hitting him in the leg.

"Christ, Malik! Thanks a lot, mate. That hit me, ya git," Harry grumbled, rubbing at the throbbing spot where the shoe hit him.

"Throw it at Louis," Harry heard Zayn grumble, and he couldn't help but laugh when Louis' face lit up, finding humor in angering Zayn.

"I know plenty more songs, Zany-Zayn! Oh, oh! Here's one! 'E-I-E-I-E-I-O! Up the football league we go! When we get promotion, this is what we sing! We are Rover's! We are Rover's! O'Driscoll is our king!'" Louis continued, trying purposely to tick Zayn off.

"Alright, alright, Tommo," Harry laughed, trying to prevent further confrontation, while Niall sat cracking up on the couch next to Louis.

"Fuck YOU, Lewis," Zayn growled, only causing Louis to roll with laughter.

"Zayn's probably plotting your death right now, Louis," Liam called over from the table where he sat on his cell phone.

"Time to shut it!" Paul said as he finally came onto the bus.

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