He gets up and hugs me.

"It's ok, she got a good voice to sing it right." I sip some water.

"Hey everyone! I'm home! " Anahi scream out.

"Stop the yelling Anahi! Or you and Xavier have to move out!"

"WHAT!" she comes running to the kitchen with wide eyes.

"Just kidding" he laughs.

"What ever" she walks away and goes up stairs.

"Why would you tell her that?" that scary to hear. Your brother kicking you for just yelling.

"Because that is half true." he leans in and send kisses on my neck.

"For real?" I turned around.

"Yeah, everyone is complaining to stop her screaming or else, she is out." he backed away and walk to his paper work on the table.

"That is sad. No one should be kick out for who they are or what they do." what kind of pack does that.

"Well, I am the Alpha and I have to do what is best for the pack." he looks away from me.

"And I am the Luna. And no one is getting kick out." I walk and hug him from behind.

"You are the best Luna ever Aleydi." he hugs me back.

"I know I am." I giggle." Well better get started on homework."

" What a nerd" he laugh.

"Look like someone not getting kisses tonight." I ran out the kitchen before he could say anything.

"WHAT!" he scream out.

OMG, I have to hide. I shouldn't have said that.

I ran up the stairs,all the way to our floor and ran inside our room. I tried to find a place to hide but I heard footstep coming and I knew it was him.

Come on Aleydi, where is a good place to hide? I look around the room and spotted the bed. That it!

I ran under the bed and squirm in. Just as I got in, I heard a boom from the door and Aiden panting.

"Where are you my little mate?" I heard his wolf. I unleash his wolf, oh no. That's even worse.

I could hear him sniffing around the room and he was already coming closer to the bed.

Please don't find me. Please please please!

"I could smell you."

Then my ankle was grab and I was pulled out from under the bed.

"Nooooo!!" I squirm but he grab my arm and push it above my head.

"What did you say about no kissing?" his wolf said.

"Not-nothing" I slutter.

"Good." he lean in and kiss my lips. And the shiver came back. He push more in and ask for entrance, which I let him.

"Hope no one disturb us this time" Aiden said under his breath. I seriously hope.

Ring ring

"F**k!" I scream out.

He stop from kissing me and gets off of me.

I get up and walk to get my phone from my backpack. I see the caller ID and it was my dad.

"Hello Daddy." I answer him.

"Are you ok hun? I heard you were hurt." my dad said with worried in his voice.

"Yes dad, everything is ok."

"I heard you were bullied and- "

"Who told you?" I didn't tell anyone except

"Sienna told me" she would.

"Dad look I could explain- " I was cut off by his screaming.

"No one could mess with my baby girl!" I had to put the phone away my ear by the way he just scream it.

"Dad please- "

Aiden pull the phone from my hand and started to talk to my dad.

"Sir, this is Alpha Aiden, I know you are concern for Aleydi protection but everything is perfect for her here." he said to my dad.

Oh no, my dad doesn't like to be interrupted.


"I just wanted to make sure you understand- "

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK BACK TO ME! EVER!" now he is using his alpha voice.

"SIR I HAVE EVERYTHING IN CONTROL!" Aiden yell to my dad.



"What is going on here?" I turn to the door and see Xavier and Anahi.

I walk toward them and catch them up to what's going on.

"So Aiden on the phone with your dad?" Anahi ask me.


"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Aiden scream.

"I COULD DO WHATEVER I WANT!" My dad scream back.

"Aleydi, what are they saying?"Xavier ask.

"I think my dad want to take me back"

"What?!" They both scream.

"Yup" this is horrible for me. My father agreed to let me do this but he can't handle the absence of me.

"ok sir, fine." then Aiden hang up.

"What is it?" I ask him.

I walk toward him.

"Your dad just been jumpy and he scared something could happen to you." he handed me my phone and hugged me. I really needed the hug right now.

"So is she staying?" Anahi ask him.

"Yup, but we have to be careful more."

"Damn Jessica, she f**king things up for you two" Xavier said, angry.

"I will deal with her later, but right now Aleydi is staying.

"That awesome." then Anahi and Xavier left.

"This is going to be hard for us, you know that right?" I look up to him. Those silver eyes of his alway calm me down.

"Yeah, but anything I love is worth fighting for." he smile and that made me smile.

"You are so sweet babe" I lean in and kiss him.

"Let go and grab some dinner." He said.

"Sure." I grab his hand and walk out the room hand and hand.

What a strange day it been. But our love can't be broken.

Alpha little girlWhere stories live. Discover now