Ch 9: The Meeting and A Mistake?

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Your POV

We had just arrived at the next venue. Kelli was coming with me to meet the girls. I'm still skeptical about her but I can't let her know that.

"Hey Xan keep me updated on that new program I just finished." I called letting him know to tell me if something happens with Kelli.

"Will do Y/N. Good luck." I nod and walk off the bus Kelli following behind.

"Everything okay Y/n/n?" Kelli asks once we are off the bus on our way into the venue to meet up with the girls.

"Yup. All good, why do you ask?"

"You just seem so tense recently. Are you sure?"

"Yea I'm fine. Nothing to worry about. Thanks for asking though Kel." I say a small smile on my face. She nods and we continue walking till we reach Cimorelli's dressing room. "Knock knock, am I good to come in girls?" I call out knocking on their door. I hear a chorus of yeahs so I walk in Kelli behind me.

"Hey Y/N. Who's this?" Dani asks pointing to Kelli behind me.

"Girls this is my sister Kelli." I say stepping aside so they can fully see her. I see their eyes widen.

"You have a twin sister?" They all yell. I slowly nod.

"Yup have since the day we were born." I laugh out sadly missing my own Kelli and not this one. Thankfully no one catches the sadness in my voice.

"Well I'm Christina."

"I'm Katherine."

"I'm Lisa."

"I'm Amy."

"I'm Lauren."

"I'm Dani."

"And we're Cimorelli." I chuckle as they do their usual introduction.

"Anyway you guys have soundcheck, meet & greet then your performance. I'll be back I have to let 5H know of their schedule." They nod and go back to what they were doing. Kelli and I leave and head to 5H's dressing room.

"Knock knock, am I good to come in girls?" I call out again. I hear a yes and someone running to the door. I open it only to have a body crash into me. I look down to see the blonde hair I've grown to admire. I smile and hug her back. I have this weird fuzzy feeling in my chest and stomach as we hug.

"I missed you Monkey." She mumbled into my shirt hugging me tighter.

"I missed you too Als." Someone clearing their throat brought us back. I look up to see Normani giving Ally a knowing look. I brush it off when I hear Kelli behind me. " girls this is my sister Kelli." I feel Ally tense up. I rub her back letting her know I'm okay. She soon relaxed and pulls back introducing herself to Kelli. The others following.

"Hi I'm Allyson but you can call me Ally."

"I'm Normani, you can call me Mani."

"Lauren, you can call me LJ to avoid confusion with the other Lauren."

"I'm Camila, you can call me Mila."

"I'm Dinah, but you can call me DJ."

"And we are known as Fifth Harmony." Ally finished off. I chuckled and hugged them all goodbye before walking out of the room Kelli following behind me, trying to catch up.

"So Y/N/N what's up between you and that Ally girl?" Kelli asks nudging my shoulder once she caught up. I shrugged her off.

"I don't know what your talking about. We're just friends." I say a smile playing on my lips as I think of Ally. What is wrong with me?? I clear my throat and keep walking. 

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway I'm gonna take a walk around the venue. Get used to things since I'm gonna be here a while. See you soon Y/N/N." She waves me off walking off. I sigh and make sure Kelli's gone before taking out my morpher and calling Xander.

"Xander, she just left me. Keep an eye on her."

"Will do Y/n. I'll let you know if she's up to anything suspicious." I thank him and hang up making my way to Big Rob's office, to inform him of my new situation, only to feel a weight on my back. I hear a giggle I've come to admire and smile spinning us around, causing her to squeal.

"Hey Als haha." I say putting her down and turning to face her.

"Hey Monkey. I like seeing you smile. Especially with what we just found out earlier. How are you taking it? And what was with that phone call to Xander?" she asks looking into my eyes. I sigh and pull her with me into an empty dressing room.

"That thing isn't my sister. And that call to Xander was about her. She's some type of robot my so called father created." I sit on the couch in the room, Ally following behind. 

"What do you mean you father, I thought you didn't know who your father was?"

"That thing is a robot who just looks like my sister. And I don't really know him. But you remember that Strange Illusion guy I told you about?" She slowly nods and I give her a knowing look.

"Wait you mean to tell me that Strange Illusion is your father?!?!?!"

"Apparently so. He said it in a video he hid in a chip that was planted in Kelli. She now has one of my chips which has a program that will alert Xander if she talks to anyone other than any of you girls, Rob, Nicole or Xander and I. That's what the call to Xander was about. He's keeping me updated on her when I'm not around." I explain wondering how my life got this fucked up. " Why can't I have any good things happen to me." I feel a slap on my arm. I look to Ally with a hurt look on my face, "What was that for?" I rub where she hit me.

"Was meeting all the girls and I not a good thing to happen to you?" She asks feigning hurt. My eyes widen in realization. I jump to explain myself.

"No no no no meeting you girls was the best thing to happen to me. Especially meeting you. You have become my best friend. You are the only one I fully trust enough to tell my story too. I love you." My eyes widen as I realize what I said, I jump off the couch and super speed out the door to a place away from there. Not looking back to Ally.

I can't believe I was about to tell Ally I love her. I mean I'm not some emotionless robot. I've seem romantic movies... and gotten teased by Xander for crying during some, but I've seen enough to know what love feels like. The fuzzy feeling in my chest and stomach when we hugged earlier. The tingling feeling when I hold her hand.

I love Ally... but did I make a mistake telling her?

Loner (Cimorelli/Fifth Harmony/ You)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin