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Three years ago

"Hey people, this is my friend slash classmate, Camila," Dinah said, gesturing to the kinda unknown girl that was hiding behind her. 

I mean, I do recognize her face, but I can't exactly say who she is except that she's part of the popular girls/cheerleaders squad.

"Hey," the brunette waved at us with a small smile.

Dinah plopped down on the free space next to me as she pulled Camila along with her. "She's fighting with her boyfriend, so I thought why not make her join us during this very lunch break," the Polynesian added, making her earn a slap from the other girl.

"So... this is my best friend, you can call her Y/N/N (Your nickname)," she introduced while ruffling my hair. I pushed her hand away and nodded at the smaller girl, which got me a smile in return. "Next on, we have Abbie, also a friend of mine and then there's Belle and that's Carly and I don't know who those two are. But yeah. These are the people I usually hang out with during lunch, including Dani and Eden, but they're probably grabbing lunch outside." 

A round of hi's and hey's were shared among the group.

After that, lunch carried on with random small conversations between them as I sat there eating a sandwich and just studied for my Spanish test. It felt like the whole world faded away and that only me and this vocabulary were the ones here. That was until I felt someone's presence beside me. 

I glanced up from the book and saw that it was the Camila.

"What you're studying here?" she asked.

I turned my head towards her and for the first time, I really saw her face. And wow... she's really beautiful. I mean, of course, I've seen her around before and may have thought she was pretty back then, but seeing her features up close is just... She looks even prettier.

I snapped out of my thought once I remembered that I haven't answered her question yet... because I was too busy staring at her. "Oh, uhm, yeah, I'm studying... Spanish." I had to peek down at the book to make sure I've said the right subject.

She looked at me with an amused expression. "Okay then," she said with a hint of a smirk.

And that ended that conversation. 

Several minutes passed by with neither of us attempting to strike up a new talk.

I'm actually a bit surprised that she settled down next to me instead of talking to the others since they all seemed to be so interested in her. Deep down, I feel a tiny bit bad for not communicating with her, because duh, she purposefully went to sit right next to me, and getting to know each other is usually the normal thing to do... But I'm me and I don't like talking in general, so yup.  

The next day, Dinah showed up alone at our regular lunch table. Once she sat down, nobody asked where Camila was, they just straight-up showered her with questions about the now absent girl. "I didn't know you're friends with her." "Are those rumors about her true?" "Did she really sex in Eighth Street?" "Yeah, spill the tea-"

The questioning got cut off by an annoyed Dinah, "Y'all shut up, it's none of your fucking businesses."

I slowly raised my eyebrows at the Polynesian. Well, she certainly didn't seem happy with the comments. Not that I can blame her though because those questions were just plain rude and disrespectful, like okay, I get that they're eager about it, but... I don't know. It just really didn't sit well with me. 

"You're just saying that because you don't know it yourself," one of them scoffed.

Dinah gave her a hard glare before she stood up and walked away, pulling me along with her. "My sandwich..." I dragged out as the view of my food became more and more distant. 

Bad Reputation (Camila/You)Where stories live. Discover now