Chapter 20 *Sorry*

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Alex's pov

"you okay?"caroline asked 

"no"i said 

"i know something that can cheer you up"she said than she took my hands and start walking

"caroline where are we going?"i asked than we enter a room 

"girls look who's here"Caroline said the girls were standing there 

"Aunt Alex"they said than they ran to me and hugged me i smiled than looked at caroline

"they know me?"i asked

"yeah , i showed them our pictures , and they wanted to meet you"she said i get down to this

"hey girls"i said they smiled

"do you want to play a game?"i asked

"yes"they said

"i know an awesome game , me and my brother always played it"i said than they hold my hand

"Come on lets play"they said


"okay girls its time to sleep"Caroline said as the girls lay down she cover them

"Mommy sing us a song"Lizzy said

"I'll"I said

"you can sing?"Lizzy asked

"yup"I said 

"i don't wanna bother you"Caroline said

"it's okay"i said than grabbed a chair and sit next to the bed 

"i'll be right back"caroline said with a smile than she left

"come on sing"they said

"Okay here i go"i said i begin to sing

Watch all the flowers . Dance with the wind

Listen to snowflakes . Whisper your name

they smiled

Feel all the wonder . Lifting your dreams

You can fly

Fly to who you are , Climb upon your star

You believe you'll find your wings , Fly To your heart

than they clapped 

"Thank you"i said with a smile , than suddenly i hear a glass shattered 

"what was that?"They said i grabbed my phone 

"i'll be right back , here's my phone , if me or mommy didn't come back call daddy okay"I said than they nodded

i left the room , and walked to the room that kai was in 

i opened the door , i saw caroline on the floor and the glass was broken and kai was getting out from the big window

"No!"i yelled than jump on him pushing him inside the room again

he fall to the ground and me on top of him 

"i said stay here"i said

"Sorry Lexia that can't happen"he said than suddenly my brain was on fire 

i fall on the grround he stood up 

"Sorry baby"he said than walked to the window again i stood up fast and jump on his back he vampsped backword pushing me against the wall i let go of him 

He's so strong 

he turn around to me

"sorry again"he said than he snapped my neck and everything went black

[7] Death Queen ..(Adored book 7) Kai Parker/ Matt DonovanWhere stories live. Discover now