Prologue: Always Sigrid Odinsdottir

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"Once mankind accepted a simple truth; that they were not alone in this universe. Some worlds man believed home to their Gods. Others they new to fear. From around the cold and darkness came the Frost Giants. Threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age. But humanity would not face this threat alone. Our armies drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their own world. The cost was great. In the end, their king fell. And the source of their power was taken from them.

"With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds and returned home at the realm eternal, Asgard. And here we remain as the beacon of hope. Shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard and it's warriors that brought peace to the universe. "

Odin was telling the story to hsi younger, ten year old sons Thor and Loki, walking among the treasure vaults. "But the day will come when one of you will have to defend that peace."

"Do the Frost Giants still live?" Loki asked.

"When I'm king, I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!" Thor told his younger brother, pretending to hold a sword. He looked towards Odin. "Just as you did, father."

"A wise king, never seeks out war," Odin said. " But...he must always be ready for it."

Thor and Loki ran up to catch up with their father and both grabbed onto his hand.

"I'm ready, father," Thor said.

"So am I!" Loki cried.

"Only one of you can ascend to the throne. But both of you were born to be kings!"

They passed Mjolnir, something that hadn't moved in a long time. 

"At least, there are no girls or annoying little sisters to worry about," Thor said, Loki agreeing.

"You never know, Thor. Your mother and I may have another child one day."

"Oh please, we don't want a baby sister," the boys begged. 

"Besides, baby sisters would be annoying," Loki said. 

"I would be careful what you wish for, boys, for you never know what the future will bring. 

A couple of years later, Odin and Frigga had a daughter, a third-born and their youngest child yet: Sigrid Odinsdottir. Thor and Loki at first did not like being older brothers, especially since they jinxed themselves since the night they were in the vault and said they did not want to be older brothers. However, when they saw her, Loki immediately fell in love with the child. Frigga allowed Loki to hold her. Thor, however, just looked at the child, said nothing about her.  

"Hi, Sig," said Loki. The baby, though Sigrid was crying earlier, looked up at Loki and smiled. He was a brother. He was finally a big brother.

"Loki, give me a change to hold her!" said Thor. Loki looked at his brother. He held the girl possessively. He gave his older brother their sister. Thor could not help but smile while holding her. However, the baby cried immediately when Thor got the chance to hold her

Frigga said that maybe Sigrid was not ready for her other brother. Loki helped put her to sleep and kissed her forehead.

Odin also loved this daughter as much as his sons. She was a very brave one, and so declared the Bravery goddess by the humans.

One day, when Sigrid was the right age, Odin brought his daughter down to the vaults of Asgard where items of their ancestors resided.  Sigrid was the goddess of braver, but she had no idea how her title fit her. 

She had brown hair and blue eyes, but stood at least up to her father's waist. She at least was taller than her brother Thor when he was her age. Sigrid also wore a long sleeved tunic and a long braid on the side of her head.

"What have you brought me down here for, Daddy?" Sigrid asked. 

"To inform you of the past, my dear," Odin told her, and patted her hand. "And teach a lesson I had once taught your brothers. "I received the casket of ancient winters after defeating Laufey, the king of the Frost Giants. 

The king told her the history he once told Thor and Loki.  Finally, the father and daughter pair were close to the Casket of Ancient Winters, something that Odin had taken from Laufey. Sigrid quickly came down to the casket, but her father held her back. 

"Careful Sigrid," he said, as she was only a child. "You should not get to far to the Ancient Winters, or else you'll set off an eternal winter."

"Sorry," Sigrid quickly said (she had the mind and body of a ten year old human. She looked at Odin. 

"Is it true, Daddy?" Sigrid asked. "That you have fought and won many battles."

"Yes," Odin said. "But winning is not the same thing as peace, I trust you know that.

"Yes, daddy," Sigrid said. "I just want to fight, like you. But I know that a wise king does not seek war, but he must always be ready for it.

"Sigrid, my child," Odin said. Sigrid looked up at her father. "You may not be a warrior, but you are a princess of Asgard."

"But will I be a worthy princess to our people?"

"You will will always be worthy in my eyes, as well as your mothers, my daughter. All of Asgard loves you, Sigrid, as you are Asgard's favorite daughter and will never forget you, and no matter what happens, you will always be Princess Sigrid Odinsdottir, goddess of bravery."

"Why Bravery? What does bravery do?" Sigrid asked curiously. 

"One day, you will no why you are called the goddess of bravery, Sigrid. For one day, you could make a very brave warrior one day."

However, Odin also knew that Sigrid would be more like her mother's daughter rather than her father's.  She was close to Thor, but she was also close to Loki. Odin didn't no what to think of it, but let his mind wonder as Sigrid continued walking up the hall as they exit the vaults of Asgard. 

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