Thor, Loki, and Sigrid

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Many years passed, and Sigrid became a very beautiful woman, being approximately the age of a seventeen-year-old human girl. She stood next to her brother, Loki and their mother, frigga. Sigrid noticed Loki had a sad expression on his face and that he was wearing that ridiculous helmet of his. Sigrid admitted to herself that a goat styled helmet was a bad design choice, just like Thor's feathers on his helmet choice.

Speaking of Thor, he was just standing there throwing Mjolnir up in the air and the other asgardians chearing. Sigrid began wondering why she hated her brother but yet loved him at the same time. As her father did not predict, Sigrid became one of the finest warrior women in Asgard, right behind her close friend, Lady Sif. However, one of the most annoying things she ever faced was wearing a black dress with no sleeves and flowers design on it (pictured above ^). She also wore her hair a down and wore the tiara that held her bangs back.

"How can any woman stand this!" Sigrid complained. She was more used to wearing a tunic rather than a dress. She noticed Loki smirking.

"Stop laughing, Loki!" Sigrid snapped at her older brother, but she had to shout so he could hear her yell. 

"Sig, I'm just messing with you," he said, looking at his sister's dress. "however, roses do fit the goddess of bravery and beauty."

"Correction, Loki: my name means beauty, " Sigrid said annoyed.

"Please little sister, I am just messing with you," Loki said and patted her hand. 

She raised an eyebrow and with one small turn of her wrist and pointing her finger out, a hazy green flashed right next to Loki. He looked down and noticed a snake. Yes, Sigrid did remember the story of how Loki turned into a snake to stab their brother so she thought this would be a funny tie in, and she knew he was terrified of Sigrid's tricks, even though she was goddess of bravery.

"Hey, whose the god of mischeif here?" Loki asked. Sigrid smirked and made the allusion disappear. "That had nothing to do with bravery, Sigrid."

"Yes it was, it was bravery to stand up to you with a taste of your own medicine," Sigrid said, wanting this ceremony to be over.

However, unknown to the Asgardians, the Frost Giants began intruding the vault and killing guards as they spoke. 

The asgardians quiet down after Thor stepped down onto his knees and looking up at his father who was put in golden armor and had a gold eye patch over his right eye.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my first born," Odin said, Sigrid noticed the pride in their father's voice, but also looked sympathetic at Loki and held onto his hand. She even saw her mother looking at Loki as well. However, the family looked back onto Thor's coronationSo long entrusted with the mighty hammer, Mjöllnir, forged in the heart of a dying star. It's power has no equal! It's a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. It is a fit companion for a king. I have defended Asgard, and the lives of the innocent across my realms in the time of the great beginning."

Thor began taking the oaths that had been laid out to the previous kings. Thor looked at his friends, Sif and the Warriors three once in a while before turning his attention to the coronation back and forth.

"Do you swear to guard the nine realms?" Odin asked.

""I swear. "

"And do you swear to preserve the peace? "

"I swear. "

"Do you swear to cast aside your selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the realms? "

"I swear! "

"And on this day, I Odin, All-Father, will proclaim you..." Odin began. However, Sigrid felt something, a disturbance in the Asgardian palace. She closed her eyes and sensed it: someone was trying to steal the box of ancient winters thingy. Odin looked at his daughter, and felt what she was feeling to.

"Frost Giants," Odin and Sigrid said together.

A moment later, Sigrd, Loki, and Odin looked at the deceased guards laying on the floor. If that destroyer wasn't there, than that box of eternal winters would be back in the Jotuns' possessions. 

"I don't understand," Sigrid said. "Why would they wait until now to steal the casket of Eternal winters?"

"I do not understand it myself, daughter," Odin said with Sigrid nodding. Everyone was calm in this time of need; however, the only person who was n't calm about this was Thor.

"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" Thor shouted. Sigrid rolled her eyes in annoyace at her brother's arrogance. Sometimes, she wanted to kick his butt into the wall.

"They have paid. With their lives. To destroy it at its work, the Casket is safe and all is well. "

"All is well? They broke into the weapons vault! If the Frost Giants have stolen even one of these relics... "

"They didn't! "

"Well I want to know why? "

"I have a truce with Laufey, King of the Jotuns. "

"He just broke your truce! They know you are vulnerable. "

"What action would you take? "

"March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. Break their spirits so they'll never dare to cross our borders again. "

" You're thinking only as a warrior. "

"Well, this was an act of war! "

"It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail. "

"Look at how far they got! "

"We will find the breach in our defenses and it will be sealed. "

"As King of Asgard... "

"BUT YOU'RE NOT KING!" Odin yelled at the top of his lungs. However, he calmed himself down, as did his voice. "Not yet. " 

The king left, with Sigrid and Loki looking at the face of the determined brother and the calmer father. 

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