Someone stepped out from the shadows of the room, and into sight, slightly illuminated by the soft flickering of the yellow fluorescent bulb. Well, two people anyway. And I have a strong hunch that I have met them before. Or at least, know them.

"Nice to meet you again," the olive green eyed man said.

I sucked in a deep breath.

"Aaron? Thomas? Is that you?"

They both nodded. "That's us."

"I'm honoured you still remember us," Thomas replied.

I can't believe it. What are they doing here? They seemed like such nice guys the last time I met them.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out before I could even stop myself.

Real smooth Willow. Real smooth.

Aaron scoffed at my question. "What are you doing here?" he mocked me.

I glared at him. How rude of him to say that. I can't believe myself. How I trusted this guy without a care when I almost literally bumped into him outside my apartment building. How I did not think of anything suspicious.

"The answer is simple my dear: I work here."

I blinked rapidly at him; unable to digest the information that he just spilled.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Oh, yup..." Thomas replied nonchalantly, shrugging at the same time.

I have an all-important question to ask. How many more people work here? Because from what I can gather, almost everyone I know seems to be working here.

"We're Desmond's assistants. Second in command, I guess you could say that..."

Oh gosh...

"Please just shut up..." I begged them.

"Why should we?" Aaron asked, as if that was the most ridiculous 'question' in the world. "We did come in here for a reason you know. You'd think that our dear Willow would have figured that out by now."

Please shut up. Please shut up. Please shut up. Please shut up. Please shut up. And you, Willow, don't say anything. But 'true to myself', I said something anyway.

"So what do you two want?"

"Oh, nothing much..." Thomas answered my question, as if trying to keep me in suspense.

"Just wanted to tell you something important," Aaron continued.

This can't be good at all. Things like these are never good. No wonder they say that we should never trust strangers.

This is definitely not good.

Not now.

Not ever.

"My dear Willow," Aaron started. "Have you ever heard of the phrase 'Yesterday was history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called a present'?"

The pair remained quiet, as if silently challenging me to say something or to respond.

"I would prefer not to know anything," I croaked.

"Oh fine. Suit yourself," Thomas replied, in a matter-of-factly tone of voice.

Thomas walked away, and exited the cell, leaving Aaron behind. He walked towards me, so close, until I could literally feel his hot breath against my face. I shuddered.

"Enjoy the remaining time you have in this world," Aaron whispered into my ear, very eerily, making me remember that he was in the same room as me.

He chuckled, and walked away, out of this room, leaving me in bewilderment of what had just happened.

Of what he had just said.

[End of Flashback]

I can't believe I trusted them. They betrayed me. Not really, but... Yeah. Everyone I seem to trust betrays me. Why? Why am I the unlucky person they turn their evil doings to? What did I ever do to them that was wrong? I'm not a scapegoat. Never was, never will be.

I seriously do not understand a single thing that is going on around here anymore. I used to pretend to know everything. But not anymore. I am not one fore mysteries like this. I will fail as a detective. But I do know someone who is the best detective I have ever met.


The very name made my heart ache.

I gave my whole world to this boy, and he treated me like that. What did I do to deserve all these? I guess fate is clearly not on my side. Not this time around. Especially not at this point of my life.

I suddenly felt myself being pushed through a door and into the open, deliberately snapping me out of my deep thoughts.

"What the..."

I heard a lock click behind me. Guessing that the lock is the door lock, I groaned. I'm stuck out here.

"So this is what fate has in store for me huh?" I asked out loud to no one in particular.

After all, there isn't anyone out here with me currently.

"Not really..." someone replied.

Ok, I take that back. There is someone out here with me now. I glanced around the open space – the rooftop actually – and spotted Desmond approaching towards me. "What do you want?" I asked, trying to sound confident.

"Oh me? Well dear, I just wanted to talk."

I flinched when I heard him call me 'my dear'. Seriously? Of all the nicknames he chose 'my dear'? I would totally prefer an insult to that 'sweet' nickname. It sounds revolting coming out of this guy's mouth.

"I don't think you only want to talk," I replied accusingly.

He chuckled, sounding sinister, slightly freaking me out. "Oh really? Well, we'll see, won't we my dear?"


Soo... Did you like it? Oh, and did anyone watched the Olympics Badminton Men's Single Gold Medal Match?? Malaysia lost! :( Malaysian here ok? :P Anyways, at least Chong Wei did his best... :3 Who did you support? Sorry bout the random q! XDD

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