Your Rival - FIN

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"Y/n...." A familiar voice whispered to the sleeping cat as she lay on the floor of the Big Bad Wolf's apartment, but it wasn't Bigby nor was it Snow White. Who? "My precious child...." MOM! Suddenly sitting upright, Y/n was drenched in sweat and her skin was paper white from waking up from what seemed to be a nightmare. Why...? Why was she...-? Y/n's thoughts were cut off when Bigby walked into the living room with a cup of coffee in his hand, giving the girl an odd look as if he had heard her sudden movement.

"You okay? You look like you had just seen a ghost or something." Bigby asked, setting his cup on his small table next to his chair before kneeling to her position on the floor. "Maybe you should take a shower. You don't look so good." Feeling her forehead with the back of his hand, she quickly got up once she realized how close their faces were to each other.

"I-I...I just don't feel too good...that's all..." Y/n quickly replied, not wanting to talk about her weird dream about her mom. Her mother was a sensitive subject, no matter who she spoke to about it. Y/n missed her and she was never coming back. Even after all these years, Y/n still couldn't come to terms with that fact and wished she could see her again.

"I told you not to overwork yourself, Night. Go shower and I'll have a cup of coffee ready for you when you get out." Bigby gave her a gentle smile before heading into the kitchen to make another pot of coffee considering he had already drunk an entire pot earlier by himself. Not saying another word, Y/n rushed to the bathroom after grabbing a clean pair of clothes from her bag she had brought with her the night before. Turning on the shower, she waited for the water to become warm before stripping out of her clothes and getting under the hot running water that seemed to relax her sore and tense muscles. What is wrong with me? I need to focus! This isn't a case to be taken lightly. This is The Crooked Man! Snapping herself out of her daze and washing up like she was supposed to, she threw on her clean clothes before walking out of the bathroom. "Here." Bigby handed her a cup of coffee just the way she liked it after seeing her walk into the living room where Colin was now awake.

"Sleep well, princess?" Colin asked, being a smartass like always. Rolling her eyes, she didn't respond to the pig but took a sip from her coffee that helped her relax just a bit more. "Geez, take a joke, will ya?"

"Colin, give it a rest already. We've been up all night trying to find anything that might help us find that crooked bastard." Bigby growled, clearly tired as well and Colin's teasing wasn't helping matters much. "Any luck on finding a spell that might help?" Bigby turned back to Y/n, hoping he would give her some good news.

"I'm sorry, but every attempt I've tried seems like it keeps getting rejected when it comes close to its target. Even my advanced spells are getting rejected." Y/n replied, confused and somewhat scared of the power that was blocking out her magic. "These spells take a toll on my mental strength which is why I passed out late into the night while performing them. Something stronger or possibly something much darker must be at work here. Something more powerful than the Crooked Man." She frowned, hoping after all her hard work that she would somehow be able to find out the bastards location at least but her efforts were in vain. Bigby was stunned above all else. Y/n is one of the best witches around and something is stopping her magic? Even Greenleaf can't compare to Y/n's magic...

"Don't worry about it, Y/n. It's not a complete dead end yet." Bigby tried to reassure her before making his way into the kitchen once more. Y/n finished off her coffee and placed her cup in the sink before thinking about two close friends that might be able to help them.

"What about the Trip Trap?" Y/n asked, quickly making her way back into the living room with Colin and Bigby.

"What about it?" Bigby asked as he lit a cigarette for Colin.

The Half-Fable (Bigby x Reader) (UNDER HEAVY EDITING 06/09/2019)Where stories live. Discover now