My Characters

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Name Renae Iachometti (ya-ko-met-ee)

Gender Female

Age 15 years

Sexuality Questioning

Appearance Bleached blonde hair in a short pixie cut, wide-set brown eyes, and light olive skin. Lots of freckles and moles everywhere and is a little chubby. She's a bit shorter than average (5"3')

Godly Parent Dionysus 

Mortal Parent Martina Iachometti-Vitale

Weapon Hasn't decided yet


Name Calvin Moore

Gender Male

Age 16 years old

Sexuality Straight

Appearance Curly red hair but it's cut short, very pale skin and green-hazel eyes. Very tall and scrawny.

Godly Parent Hypnos

Mortal Parent Robert Moore

Weapon No weapon, but he can visit people in their dreams and spook them

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