The Salt In Your Eye Is Beautiful

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"You wouldn't touch her," Bonnie growled. "Klaus would hate you."

"I'm sorry, you seem to think that bothers me. You see Bonnie, I couldn't care less if Klaus hated me. It would sure be worth it."

"You're not going to hurt another innocent."

"Oh? And who's going to stop me?" I asked.

"I will," she threatened.

I laughed, then looked at her, a dangerous glint in my eye. "I am ten times more powerful than you, Bonnie. Your ancestor Emily may have been a great witch, but you know nothing. You think because you know a few parlor tricks, that you've got it all figured out. You have no idea. If you ever threaten me again, I will kill you. We clear?"

She glared at me and nodded defiantly.

"Great," I smiled. "Have a wonderful day."


*3rd Person POV*


"Have you seen this?" Bonnie asked, walking into the living room of the Salvatore boarding house.

Damon was pouring himself a drink, and looked up to see the young witch hold up a newspaper.

"The real estate place burnt down. I care, why?" he asked.

"It didn't just burn down by accident. It was intentional."

"Wow, some punk teenager thinks they're cool. Still not seeing why I should care."

"It was Marni," Bonnie told him.

Damon snatched the paper out of Bonnie's hand and studied it. After reading it, Damon tossed the paper onto the table.

"Faulty wires," he scoffed. "Couldn't they think of something a little more original?"

"You're not surprised by this?" Bonnie asked.

"Surprised by what?" Elena asked, walking into the room.

"Marni was the one who set the real estate building on fire," Bonnie replied.

Elena gasped. "She did that?"

"Yep," Damon answered. "And to answer your question Bonnie, no, I'm not surprised by this. Marni had snapped, which means she's very reckless at the moment, not to mention dangerous. But it's not our problem. She made her decision."

Someone snorted, and Damon turned to see Mia walk into the room. At the sight of her, he felt angry and upset, because she looked exactly like Marni.

"It wasn't really a decision in the first place. You practically kicked her out," Mia pointed out.

"She ruined the one chance we had to kill Klaus," Damon muttered bitterly.

"Because he's her family."

"Are you really taking her side on this?" Elena asked.

"No," Mia answered. "I'm just saying that the blame isn't one sided. We're all in the wrong here."

"Her more than us," Bonnie stated, her eyes narrowing. "She's hurting innocent people."

"And why do you think that is?" Mia asked. "Elizabeth warned us that something would push her to the point of losing her humanity, yet we let it happen anyway."

"She brought it on herself."

"No, she didn't," Mia argued. "How do you think she felt when she came back here." She turned to Damon. "You, the man she loves, practically threw it back in her face. After all, she thought that if she could trust anyone, it would be you. I guess she wasn't too happy when she found out you went behind her back."

Living With The OriginalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora