Chapter 5

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The remainder of our time in the garden was spent sitting in the grass, me on his lap, talking about every and any topic, almost seeming like a proper couple. The atmosphere, the company, it's simply perfect. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to spend my time with. We exit the room carefully, Max ahead of me, looking at each corner of the room from behind the clothing in the closet. He festers to me and we exit the closet, then out the room. Walking down the hall I hear the chime of a clock. One, two, three, four, five, six....six times. I stop, Max looks at me and his relaxed face turns to worry. "Avon, what's the matter". I start running while yelling back "it's time for dinner and I have to get Allyn". I can tell he is laughing at me, but I don't care. Allyn seems to be the only descent person and I hope to become friends with her. Rushing down the long halls, For what seemed to be forever I reached the hall with which our rooms were. A bit odd,I don't hear footsteps behind me,but it's safe to assume Max has gone elsewhere, doing his duties and whatnot (I dunno). Stoping in front of Allyn's door I stop to catch a breath. I hope she won't be mad for my forgetfulness. I then knock. She opens the door. "It's about time" she laughs " lets go eat". I begin smile. She isn't mad! What a relief. Down the hall I hear the creek of  a door, sadly it's Annalis . "Avon" she says in a snapping tone.I sigh in frustration, trying not to let it show too much. "Annalis, would you like to come with us to dinner" I ask in a calm voice. She smirks as if she had won some unspoken argument. "Well if you insist" she closes her door. "Let's go" I say leading the way. I hear a clamor of steps behind me, it's Allyn skipping to my side. She looks up at me and smiles, This I could get used to. "Um.... wait for me" Annalis wines from behind us. On the other hand.... Annalis is going to take some time to get used to.

Dinner went on swimmingly, my father couldn't remove his eyes from Aunica. Allyn was the same bubbly girl, whilst Annalis was polite and soft spoken. Its almost disgusting how my father looks at Aunica. His pupils are dilated as he smiles asking "My Queen how is the food. Is it to your liking". Her monotone face quickly changes to cheery and joyful "My dear the food is delightful. The chicken roasted to perfection and the seasoning just to my liking". She takes another bite, after swallowing the bite she adds "But my love I am not queen yet". My father smiles, placing his hand on hers saying "Not yet, but very soon". Annalis makes an audible squeal "I propose a toast" she says raising her sparking grape juice "to our new family" she turns to smile at my father "to my new father" turning to me she makes the worse smile "to my new sister", in response I hesitantly raise my glass. Allyn looks down at her plate with the saddest look I have seen on her. My father and Aunica raise their glasses both turn to look at Allyn, her mothers face still looks kind but her eyes could stab into the soul. I look to Allyn raising my glass to her, in response she gives a haphazard smile and joins in the toast.

Walking back to our rooms,  I try to ask Allyn about her odd response but Annalis interrupted by saying in a smug tone "shes just angry she didn't do a toast, I beat her to it. Im sure Max loves an outgoing girl" she opens her door walking in the room only to peak her head out the door. "He's quite handsome. I wouldn't be surprised if he is affianced or even married" her smug face goes into the room. Before the door shuts she finishes with "either way I'll get what I want, I'm a princess now". Astonishing how someone's ego could be so pungent it stings the eyes. I turn to Allyn only to see her down the hall. I don't know what it was about Allyn's response, but as  go to bed, her face haunts me.

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