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Forgiving Wilmer pondered in my head everytime I sat at the bottom steps watching him take care of Embry. He would look over at me in pure sadness and wave at me. I just felt disgusted a bit each time.

Then the day came, my feet touched the ground and I shakingly walked over to him. My mom looked from the other sofa and Wilmer looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I am so so sorry for what I did Danielle. I know words can't even erase a bit of what I did to you, but I-" He broke down in tears and that's when my mom took a alert and took Embry from him.

"I for-give you." I let a tear slip from my eye and I wasn't even sure of my words, but it felt right.

"Thank you." He smiled a little and I pat his back. Still not wanting to get too comfortable. I turn to go upstairs and go back to my room.

Forgiveness felt good, but my words didn't match my feelings. I pulled the covers over me as I laid on my side and stared out the window as the rain went down the window.

I hear footsteps approach the door and my mom sits next to me and lays next to me cuddling me.

"I'm so proud of you."

It was a week later and I was back in private school. I got to see my friends again and I fell back into the schedule. I'm standing outside waiting for my mom and when I see her car, I see a woman in the front with black hair and a toothy smile staring at me. I slowly walk to it and get in on the right side.

Embry screamed in excitement as she saw me. I grab her hand and kiss it then put my seat belt on.

"Hey baby! How was school?" My mom exclaimed as she pulled off.

"It was great. I missed it. Who's this?"

"Oh yeah! This is Lauren. A "friend"." I noticed the emphasis on friend and looked as my mom bit her lip to hide a big smile. Lauren put her hands to cover her face.

I wasn't even going to push it because last time I opened my mouth I got a slap to the face. When we made it home, Lauren helped me out and my mom got Embry.

Why was she acting like I was a baby? I just went along with it and went into the house.

"Go do your homework and I'll get you a snack." My mom says as I run into Embry and I's playroom.

"I'll get the snack and you put Embry down for a nap." Lauren quickly says.

As I was doing my English work, Lauren came in with two sets of snacks and juice boxes. She sits cross legged on the floor next to my kiddie table.

"I hope you don't mind me having one of your fruit snacks." She asks before opening hers.

I look up at her with a smile."No. Momma always sneaks some at night."

She laughs a bit while opening hers. I continue doing my work and she starts eating a bit.

Silence fell over us and it was confortable for me, but probably not for Lauren.

"Do you need help?"

"Nope, I'm almost done. Then all I have left is Science and Math."

She nods a bit. I finish my homework while Lauren played with many of my different toys. After I was done, she was relieved.

"Let's play cause I'm boooooored." She whined and it made me giggle.

"Well what do you want to play?" I plop next to her in a bean bag.

"Let's play with the Barbie's." I get up and go over to the dollhouse. I get on my knees and Lauren follows in pursuit.

"Well you can be ANYONE. I like being Bella because she has such a vibrant personality and—"

I felt like I went on and on, but Lauren listened.

"I think you should be May because she has such a caring and sweet personality. Plus your hair is the same." I handed her May and she smiled.

"Well thanks. I'm guessing you're gonna be??"

"Bella silly!" We laugh a bit. We began playing. Instead of Lauren being my friend, she played May as Bella's mom.

"So Danielle, I have a important question to ask you." I set Bella down and look at Lauren.

"If me and your mommy were together, would you want me to play the role as your second mommy?" She seemed nervous.

"You are a pretty good mom, but last time I got close with one of mommies friends they left or hurt me." I start picking up the dolls and putting them where they should go.

"Your mom told me and I promise to keep you, Embry, and your mom the happiest girls on Earth."

I turn to her and giggle. "Promises are meant to be kept."

"And that I will do."

"Hm. I'm not the happiest girl at this minute." She crawls over to my legs.

"How abouttttt.. NOW!" She grabs me and starts tickling my sides. I laugh out loud and try to stop her, but she was too strong.

"L- L- Lauren p-please." I laugh.

"Say you're happy."

"I'm—" I was laughing too hard.

"I'm what?" She giggles

"I'm happy!" I exclaim and she giggles as she stops.

"I know." She stands up.

"Why do I always miss in on the fun?" My mom pouts from the door. She had a burp cloth on her shoulder.

"Because you wear that." I giggle pointing at the cloth.

"Oh really?" She walks slowly over to us.

"Yes." She looks over at Lauren and she shrugs with a smirk. She then gives her nod and Lauren nods.

"Well I'll just have to prove you wrong." Lauren pounced and tickled me and my mom did too. That was pure joy and torture. I could barely catch my breath and was laughing out loud.

"I'm fun now?" I shake my head no and they continue now getting my feet.

"Am I now?"

"Yes! Yes!" They stopped and I caught my breath.

"I lied." I tried to get up and run, but Lauren grabbed me as soon as I stood up and they attacked me with more tickles.

"Now you have to beg for mercy." Lauren said.

"I- I- I'm sorry. P-Please."

"I don't believe you." My mom says getting my tickliest spot. She was the only one who knew and I felt my lungs burn in laughter.

"P-llllllease! You're so fun mommy." They look at each other and stop while I kept laughing and catching my breath.

I sat up and look at them. My mom looked so happy and so did Lauren. She looked comfortable.

"Well while Embry sleeps, we should order dinner." My mom stands up and Lauren follows in pursuit.

"I'll go pick it up and you're coming with me." Lauren picks me up and puts me face to face with her. I poke her nose and she smiles.

"Well I'm feeling Panera." My mom says going into the living room.

"Me too." Lauren follows and we plop on the sofa. My mom and Lauren discuss meal choices and for once I felt happy in my own skin.

But for how long?

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