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I blink my eyes slowly as I try to get used to the ray of sunshine pouring from my window. I feel a sudden headache come from last night events.

I whimper at the pounding in my head, but sit up. I look at my clock on my night stand and notice it's 9:00 AM. My eyes widen. I'm super late for school! I get up and bang on my mom's closed door.

"I'm late for school!" I yell in my hoarse voice.

The door clicks open and my mom squats down to me.

"No you're not. Calm down. You're staying home for today."

I look confused. If you don't know my mom, she never let's me miss a single minute of class unless I'm sick or having trouble with kids. Besides I loved being around my friends especially when I'm grounded. I frowned.

"What's with the face? We are going to hang out today." She said happily. I looked over her shoulder and noticed Wilmer was gone.

"But I'm punished."

"Not punished from spending time with mommy." She picks me up as she stands up straight.

"You think one day of hanging out is going to fix everything?" I ask as we walk downstairs. She pauses a little, but keeps walking to the kitchen.

"No, but hopefully it's a start." She sets me at the breakfast bar and grabs two Yoplait cups out the fridge. She slides one to me with a spoon. I hated Yoplait because it tasted so bland. I scrunch my nose as I open it up.

I look up at my mom who was basically devouring it. My eyes scale down her body to her bloated bump. It wasn't evident she was pregnant, but with enough thought you'd probably assume.

I'll be a nobody to everyone as soon as that little bump grows bigger.

I wasn't hungry anymore. I push the yogurt away and hop down.

"Hey, Hey where are you going? You didn't even take a bite of your yogurt."

"I'm going get ready." I say feeling a rush of tears come over me. Why was I so upset about having another sibling?

"Take a bite please." She asked sounding as if she was pleading.

"I'm not hungry." I mumble

"Okay, but please for mommy." I sigh and turn around and hop back up. I look up at her as she watched eagerly. I grab my spoon and yogurt and scoop a good bit.

I put it in my mouth and swish it around trying to get the chalky, bland taste out enough for me to swallow. I swallow and look up at her.

"Open mouth." I open it.

"Good girl."She says smiling.

"Stop treating me like a baby. You get a real one in like 3 months." I hop down after seeing her face drop and run up the stairs slamming the door to my room.

My mom didn't even bother to come up. So I just got dressed and sat on my bed with my back against the head board. I could've just went to school for all this! After waiting ten minutes, my door creaks open.

"You ready baby?" I turn to her and she looked as if she was glowing. I nod and get off my bed walking out the door.

Once I was buckled in, my mom drove off. She turned on the radio softly, humming the melody.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see cupcake."

"Dannyyyyy." My mom says shaking me awake.

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