The Final Battle!

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Caitlin is walking down the corridor when her phone starts to ring.
*phone ringtone* (use your imagination)
Caitlin looks down and gasps in excitement and also half worried because her mother is calling her. She has yet to hear good news and bad news. She answers "Hello?" She said. Caitlin's mother replies with a sound of relief "Caitlin darling come on over the cure is ready!" Now it's Caitlin's turn for a sigh of relief "Wonderful mother I'll let my friends know and I'll be heading that way!" Caitlin hangs up the phone. Caitlin's Thoughts: "So far so good! I hope nothing goes wrong!"

She makes her way into the cortex and sees the gang waiting for her.
(haha I just love saying "the gang" alright back to the story!)
They don't know what just occurred in the corridor. Caitlin stops in her tracks and gives everyone a big grin. There was a long pause before she said "The cure is ready!" Everybody shoulders drop in relief and Cisco says "YES!" like he just aced an exam. Caitlin continued "I'm going over there now to pick it up be back in a flash!" (See what I did there hehe)

~Time Skip~

Caitlin is walking towards her mothers office. Her hands are sweaty and shaking. Caitlin's Thoughts: pull yourself together Caitlin.
She finally reaches her mothers office door and knocks... There is a split of a second before she hears the doorknob being unlocked and turned. The door is opened to reveal her mother. Her mother smiles at her and invites her in. Caitlin walks into the room and turns around to face her mother. She watches as her mother goes over to her desk and takes out a test tube with a blue liquid in it. She hands Caitlin the tube and smiles. Caitlin looks up at her and says "What's in it?"

Her mother looks at her with a seriousness she has never seen before. Her mother says "The ingredients to this cure is very top secret, so it's only for our ears and nobody else's especially Lily! Do you understand me?" Caitlin nodes her head in total agreement. Her mother continues... "I did some research on poison and poisoning; in which, I came across an article about carbon monoxide. The writer explained that there are some days where my dose of 10 news stories about people made sick or dead are all carbon monoxide. When this happened it usually happened in winter, or in cold temperatures and it especially happens after a big storm!" She walks around the room to sit in her chair and continues..."Carbon Monoxide is a gas that has no color or odor, but when it's burning, it burns with a blue flame. Thus giving the liquid the blue tent. When Carbon Monoxide is allowed to reach high concentrations in an enclosed space it can kill quickly!" Caitlin looks at her mother with a newfound love.

~Time Skip~

Back at the cortex everybody is in deep thought as we are trying to find Killer Frost, but it's becoming a difficult process. Cisco gets frustrated and slams his fists on the table in frustration. "Dang it!" The action made Caitlin flinch. "What's wrong?" Why can't we find her, we were able to last time? What's changed?" Barry said in a confused irritated voice. Cisco took a deep breath to calm himself down and said "My only conclusion is that somehow I think Killer Frost managed to block the signal that is coming from the dark matter that made her who she is." Then as if on cue a phone goes off startling everyone in the cortex. "Who's phone is that?" Cisco said clutching his chest trying to catch his breath. "It's mine!" Caitlin said as she was frantically searching around her purse trying to find it. "Found it!" "Who's calling you at this hour?" Barry asked. Caitlin's eyes grew wide in shock as she sees her sisters name appear on her phone screen. She quickly answers the phone and says...

(What the gang doesn't know is that killer Frost is impersonating Lily! Ooh plot twist!)

Caitlyn: Hello?

Killer Frost: Caitlin!

Caitlin: Lily? Is that you?!?

Killer Frost: Yes! Caitlin it's me! Caitlin come help me I don't know where I am!

The Snow Twins! (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن