Chapter 4 - The Fight!

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• Killer Frost
Lily Snow
•3rd person
News Reporter
Killer Frost was frantically pacing back and forth in Lily's apartment complex.
I partially understand how my powers work. Basically when I "Lily" is in control of my body for some reason Killer Frost can't hear my thoughts or my voice, but when "Killer Frost" is in control I can hear her thoughts and voice. The only thing I don't understand is how I knock her out to be in control, and where does she go when she's gone. Killer Frost makes an irritated yowl, and yells in her head. Can you just be quiet for one second, my goodness?!? I can't hear myself think with you blabbering away!
Killer Frost is at the moment making her master plan to catch The Flash to get to Caitlin Snow her so called sister. She decides to turn on the Tv and listen to the news. For those of you in downtown Central City be on the look out The Flash and Captain Cold are at it again! Killer Frost watches Captain Cold as he shoots Barry with his cold gun and it hurts him causing him to slow down. Hmm Captain Cold now there is the answer to all my problems. Seems like this Cold guy really knows The Flash very well. If I can manipulate him into killing The Flash for me, then I can get to Caitlin with no distractions it's a solid plan! Killer Frost was interrupted mid-sentence when an ear piercing screech went through her mind. NO DON'T HURT MY SISTER!!! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! All of a sudden Killer Frost felt a sudden force that caused her to tumble over. The screeching was getting louder and louder causing Killer Frost to grab her ears trying to shut out the noise, but it was no use some how the force of Lily's screams knocked Killer Frost out and Lily was in control of her body again.
The first thing Lily does is reach for her phone and dials her sisters number.
Ring... Ring... Ring....
Caitlin: Hello?

Lily: Caitlin!

Caitlin: Lily! Is that really you?

Lily: Yes Cait it's really me!

With a sigh of relief

Caitlin: Thank goodness your ok. She didn't hurt you did she?

Lily: No actually I think I hurt her! Its hard to explain it over the phone, but I was wondering if I could go to S.T.A.R. Labs where you and your team can help me?

Caitlin: Yes, of course you will be welcomed! Also one my friends here built a device that should help dampen your powers.

Lily: Really?!? Thank you your the best twin sister ever!

Caitlin: When are you coming?

Lily: I need to come now because I don't know when Killer Frost will come back, and also I know what her plans are!

Caitlin: Ok I will tell the Team. Also that's great news we could use that against her if she ever does come back.

Lily: How can you use that against her?

Caitlin: Because she can't hear your thoughts, so she doesn't know that we know her master plan.

Lily: THATS BRILLIANT! You will be one step ahead of her.

Caitlin: We, will be one step ahead of her!

Lily: I'm on my way now see you soon sis!

Caitlin: See you soon!

Both sisters hang up.

(End of Chapter 4!)

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