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Raina's pov

After Anis asked me that question the mood inside the room became awkward. After few minutes we decided to stop the game, so some of the lads went to their rooms while me I decided to go to the kitchen and get some water became man the was so intense.

I was about to open the fridge when I saw Anis getting some snacks on the pantry.

"Hey Anis" I said which made her jump a bit . She looked at me but didn't say anything and turned back

"Look, is there something you want to talk about?" I said and opened the fridge searching for water, yet still silence

"Hello?! Am I talking to a wind or a ghost?!" I looked at her and said those words in a loud voice and closed the fridge quite loud, but she's still silent. Okay ..

I put the glass of water on the top of the table as loud as I can to get her attention and it worked. I hate when people keeps ignoring me especially when I know if there's something happening.

"Jesus Christ, Raina! What the hell are you doing?" Anis finally turned and said that in a loud voice

"What the hell am I doing?, what the hell are YOU doing Anis?" I said and crossed my arms waiting for her response

"What? What are you talking about?" She scoffs and being sarcastic

"Oh please Anis stop acting like you don't know" I said throwing my hands in the air when I said that and put my left hand on top of the table

"Act like what Raina?" She said

"Like you don't know me! And you keep ignoring me like a strange person! What's wrong with you?" I explain, geez i can feel my heart beat beating fast.

"Nothing. I just have some problems.... family problems.." she said and looked away, I walked closer to her

"Then why aren't you telling me that?, I thought we were friends?" I said in a calm way

"Yeah.. I thought so too.." she said and while looking outside the window, I'm confused

"What?" I said, and a minute later tears started dripping from her eyes which made me shook and she looked at me

"You really wanna know what the hell is going on huh Raina?!" She said in a really mad tone, I was too shock so I didn't got a chance to answer her question

"Well okay if that's what your really want, I'll start this when I saw you and Louis kissing!" She said and many tears coming out from her eyes

"What are y-" I said but she cuts me off

"Oh please! Don't act like you don't know! I saw both of you kissing at the back of the bar!. I can't believe you did that, And also! I was waiting for you that time cause remember- oh wait I don't think you remember that you told me that you're giving me a tour in this city! Silly me cause we just met and I fell inlove with your hospitality that's why I thought you're nice and thought you're my new true friend because back then Raina! Back then! At my place people used to bully me at school! They always make fun of me and now that I already graduated I was so happy because I can finally leave that place, i thought I'm going to be happy here I thought this is going to be a good start of my new life, but no my life is even worse than before you know why? It's because of YOU!" Right when after she said that she left me alone and went upstairs, while me.. I'm still here at the kitchen crying, I can't believe I betrayed her without knowing it, I'm such a bad friend. Those words, those harsh words she said to me truly breaks my hear my personality and dignity, but she's right.


After crying I decided to go to the garden and sit on the swing for some fresh air

"May I join you?"

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