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"What we do in this class is not to be discussed with any other students here at Beaconsfield or elsewhere. Not under any circumstances. Is that clear?" Ms. Samson says, surveying the class. "As far as the other students in this school are concerned, this is simply a girls' physical education and health class. This includes your boyfriends or, if you are so inclined, your girl- friends. Your very lives may depend on this information being kept secret."

I'm still staring at the words on the board, and at one in particular. SEERS.

And what is this stuff about sharing a soul?

The entire class is murmuring. They're likely wondering how to get away from this crazy woman. I look around. Every single girl in the class has an identical twin. Except for me. And Mina.

I glance over at Mina. Her face is a perfect picture of fury. She looks like a volcano that's about to explode.

"What are you talking about? This is crazy," she snaps, standing up and gripping the sides of her desk tightly as she speaks. "I want the principal to come in here because you're delusional. This is supposed to be a gym class. G-Y-M."

Ms. Samson leans back against the wall, her arms folded across her chest, watching Mina. A tiny smile tugs at the corners of her lips.

"This is crazy," Mina repeats, this time speaking more to the class than to Ms. Samson. She looks around at all of us, even me. I'm shocked to see she's shaking and seems nervous. "We can't just let her say all of this wacked out stuff to us."

Unbelievably, I feel for Mina. This is how I felt when Raphael grabbed me in London (well, in the London that is the Place-in-Between) and told me all that crazy stuff about demons, Limbo, and Jade.

Except it all doesn't seem quite as crazy anymore. Not after what I saw, and was chased by, down there. I don't like the talk about twins sharing one soul and stuff, either, but I want to know more. If there's anything that Raphael's taught me, it's that shutting out information just because I don't want to hear it is stupid ... and dangerous. Plus, if this woman is some sort of expert on Seers, she might be able to tell me more about what's happened to Jade ... and how to get back to her.

"Are you quite done?" Ms. Samson asks. She unfolds her arms and walks slowly toward Mina, the walking stick thudding heavily on the floor in time with each footfall, as if to signal her approach. Mina is still standing, her hands firmly clamped on either side of her desk. It's like watching a lion slowly stalking its prey.

Ms. Samson stops. "I am sorry about what happened to your sister and mother, Mina. I know it's left you scared and powerless."

My blood turns to ice. I look at Mina. The colour has drained from her face, leaving her skin an ashy grey. She opens and closes her mouth several times, like a goldfish that's been tossed out of its bowl. No sound comes out.

"Your sister's death has left you with half a soul. And, make no mistake, a Seer with half a soul is in an incredibly vulnerable and precarious place. But deep down, in the very pit of your half-soul, you already knew this. Didn't you, Mina?"

I watch as big, fat tears cling to the bottom lashes of Mina's eyes like reluctant suicides, then drop and roll down her cheeks. Her bottom lip is quivering. She slowly nods her head.

"Stop blaming yourself for what happened. It was solely your mother's decision. We're here to keep you safe. Or, at least as safe as we can under the present circumstances." She raps the walking stick loudly against the floor. As if on cue, Mina crumples into her seat with her fists tightly balled at her sides. She keeps her head down, her hair hiding her face, but I know she's crying. I can see the slight heaving of her shoulders.

By the time we leave Ms. Samson's class, my head is reeling. Apparently, not all twin girls are Seers. She confirmed some of what Raphael told me: Seers are genetically connected to this chick called Lilith, who was apparently Adam's wife before Eve. She's gotten a bad rap over the centuries because she held supernatural powers and led armies into battle, refusing to be sub- servient to men. Good for her, right? But because she used her girl power without shame and men could not control her, they made up nasty rumours about her. Rumours that she was a demon, a vampire, and an evil whore. Yeah, I know what you're thinking: not a lot has changed between guys and girls over the years. Kind of depressing. Instead of spreading this stuff on social media, guys back in the day wrote trashy rumours on scrolls and cave walls. Nice.

Protectors are people chosen to trace the lineage of Seers around the world and to, well, protect us. Usually there are no more than a couple dozen Seer twins born in a generation, if that. Many of the Protectors are actually older Seers. I guess they go into protecting, instead of retirement.

Ms. Samson even told us that the witch trials came about because of Seers. People thought these young women had cloned themselves to spread more of their evil, demonic powers. Powers like warning them about impending plagues, et cetera. Seems to me they should've been thanking the Seers, not throwing them in boiling water and burning them alive at the stake.

I'm so deep in thought about all of this I don't even notice that someone has fallen into step with me.

"Penny for your thoughts," Raphael says.

I look up, startled. He smiles at me. I smile back, mesmerized by the deep green of his eyes; they're the colour of spring grass. I've never seen eyes as green and vibrant as his. Not even on a cat.

Self-consciously, I smooth my hair with one hand. "Just came from Ms. Samson's class," I say. "Interesting woman."

"I know all of this must be pretty overwhelming," he says. "But it will become easier to deal with the information you're getting."

"How do you know about all of this?" I stop walking and look him directly in the eye. "We've been practically threatened with beheading if we tell any other students what goes on in that class. What makes you so different than everyone else at this school?"

"I can't tell you that, Jazz," Raphael answers. He looks down for a moment, and I swear I see a glimmer of longing in his eyes. He wants to tell me more; I can feel his desire to, even though it's unsaid.

His head snaps up and he looks straight at me. "You're not supposed to be able to do that with me," he says. His voice is hard but also tinged with something else. Fear? Panic?

"Do what?" I ask. I'm genuinely surprised. I haven't done anything that I know of. And Raphael has never spoken to me this way before.

"Hello, you two," Ms. Samson interrupts. She's standing just to the side of us, running her fingers along the beads of one of the many necklaces adorning her neck. "Jasmine, may I speak with you?" she asks.

I look at Raphael. He nods at me. "Sorry," he says. "I guess I'm just a bit off today. Go ahead. We'll speak later."

He smiles, clearly trying to reassure me about what just happened. I don't feel better, though. Instead, I get the feeling that something just changed between us forever.

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