A Peek into the mind of Matthew

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The notebook laid innocently on top of Chris's bed. It seemed to hold nothing of importance, but still had this aura of mystery clinging around it. He hadn't noticed it was there. He had thrown his backpack into his room in such a haste to treat to his siblings and mother, that he hadn't taken time to bother about how he set his backpack down. Few kids would, anyway.

"I'll be back in a minute!"

Chris rushed into his room in the search of a pen, when he happened to glance upon the mystery object. Plenty of contents had spilled out when he dropped his bag on his bed, but this didn't have his handwriting. He picked it up and traced the Queen logo on the front. He didn't even have to peer at the image of Freddie Mercury to tell that the book definetley wasn't his. How had he obtained this item? Chris opened it to the front page to see "Matthew Bellamy"  scribbled on the side of the inside cover. He realized it was property of the boy he had crashed into earlier that day.

He knew he shouldn't read this "Matthew's" personally writings. It wasn't his buisness. The right thing to do was find him and return it. Chris slipped the book under his pillow, graved a pen, and ran out to his family, the notebook still in the back of his mind.


Matt hadn't been thinking too clearly. Obviously, if he was running in the direction of a crime scene, it would be best to go get to police or something. But that wasn't Matt's way of thinking. He didn't have the biggest trust in the officals and this person seemed to be in terrible agony. They couldn't wait any longer.

Once he neared the arcade, he hid himself behind one of the machines and stopped to catch his breath. He took a peek after he started gasping for air and realized that the attackers had left the scene, which although he would like to teach them a lesson, was in his favor. Matt was too scrawny and little to ever defeat the men on his own.

After a moments hesitation of listening and making sure that no one was left that could attack him, he approached a young boy who had been moaning and withering with pain on the floor.

"Well, today clearly wasn't your lucky day," he stated.

After a moment's silence following his obvious observation, he tried to help the boy up. He limped while Matt supported him. He sported a series of cuts and bruises, but it could've been worse. It seemed after he got some aid and rest, he would be okay.

And Matt knew he was much past his curfew at this point and was going to recieve a  scolding when he arrived home later that evening. But the kid needed help. He couldn't just leave him there on his own. He would help him and call someone that could take the blonde boy home, maybe even give him a ride if he were lucky. But what was most important was that the injured kid got help.


Dominic hurt everywhere. He ached and bleed. It seemed everywhere throbbed with pain, but he did his best to ignore it. He needed to speak to this boy. He was certain that his attackers had only left momentarily and would return. And there was no way that this rescuer would be of much use. Dom groaned as he now sat on the bench and the black haired kid asked him for a number. His mouth was swollen and he found it difficult to talk with the blood in his mouth. Dom had a more important message to tell him. But he couldn't find a way.

Matthew sighed, realizing things weren't exactly going according to his plans.

"Well....what hurts the most? Maybe we can take care of that until you are able to find your voice again."

Dom shook his head and looked away from the blue eyes shining with worry. It didn't matter. He would get better. He just didn't want this boy to face the same fate.

"Go......they'll be....."

Police sirens blared in the near distance followed by running footsteps, retreating in the oppisite direction of the sound. As the criminals passed, one gave Matt a long look from the corner of his eye, as if memorizing his face. Matt shuddered as they passed, and then hatred filled him. Those stupid low-lifes had to take everything out on an innoncent boy. He wanted to chase them in pursuit, but it'd be no use.

"I HOPE YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!" Matt shouted, along with some cuss words. This made Matthew and Dominic laugh, and then he choked out the words "Thank you," as a police officer approached them.


Chris had finished his homework and was getting ready to call it a night when he stumbled upon Matthew's notebook again. Surely, he reasoned with himself, it'd be best to scan the notebook to find more identification for a safer return.

"What a weird kid," Chris muttered, after glacing at the writing inside.

The notebook was filled with weird conspiracy ideas, science, zetas, lyrics, and all sorts of strange things normal 14 year olds wouldn't stress about. He tossed it aside, sort of wishing he had never looked inside.

In the distance, he swore he could hear someone shouting all sorts of cuss words, but he brushed it aside and fell asleep.

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