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I have everything. Scratch that... I had everything, I had both my parents, a loving sister, and a newborn baby brother on the way. Everything was perfect when I was 15.


There the car went flying into a tree on the cold rainy day and there went my sister who was just turning six.

I mourned over that day and will regret it to then end of my days. I could've sat in front, told her it was dangerous and that she should sit in the back... But it was her birthday wish and I didn't want to take it away from bad it took her life away from me.


The baby that was once on the way was now gone and so was my father...

My father left after he had no daughter and now no son leaving me and my fend for ourselves, more just me though, my mom got laid off from her job and I took up three working as a busboy cleaning dishes at a gas station truck stop, A waiter at the nearest Outback, and a barista at Starbucks, I was working all hours everyday even dropping out of school, but it was never enough for the both of us so I did the logical thing and supported her my mother.

Just one more shot Ali

My mother slurred. It wasn't long until my mother got into alcohol of all types, beer, gin, rum, I believed it was now running through her veins. And I believed breathed it, but I still loved her and gave her all the money I made from my jobs and she blew it on more alcohol. She soon got alcohol poisoning and was in the hospital. I was by her side at all times not even sleeping when I saw her chapped lips move "Just one 

The line went flat, I had one.

I have no one...but I didn't let this all stop me I mourned for a while applied to more jobs and suddenly I had enough money to move into an apartment on the upper west side, next to Eden Burrow high, where I am now finishing my year as a sophomore to make up for the months that I dropped out. I made a living to scrape a $674 dollar a month apartment. I make it work, I still have two jobs all late shift but I'm glad to be in school now. I get good grades a B average, despite not really remembering much of anything  in school from when I did attened school. Before everything went to shit.

But today is the marking of my second month back to school, I stay hidden from most despite me being pretty tall about 5'9" and having pretty unruly hair, I don't seem to get caught much or talked to by anyone which I'm thankful for. I'm just here to learn for the rest of the year, I'm not here for a social life I can try to do that next year.

  It was five a.m, I didn't have a very hard time getting up given this was my work schedule about two months ago. I get up and walk into the bathroom the only other "room" in the house that was disconnected from the living room which was my bed, and a small coffee table, my bedroom which was the living room, a kitchen barely even five feet away. That had a cord wire that made for the stove and an old dinky microwave that I had to get fixed. The purple pristine wallpaper that the pervious owners put in was peeling to reveal the white chapped walled underneath. Once I get enough money I can't wait to move out of this place. Still only being in pyjama pants make my way over to the bathroom, the floor was still damp from last night, The shower is really just a shower head connected to the middle of the wall and a drain in front of the toilet. So I always had to clean the wet floor aftwerward, the landlord insisted that I do or I'd have to pay extra rent. It was the same rules for every other unlucky soul that had to live in these walls. I make my way over to the mirror, ducking under the shower cap to look at my reflection. I didn't look too bad, semi dark circles were under my eyes, I had no real color in my cheeks and I looked pretty hungry, but again could be worse. I sighed making my way back to my shared living bedroom and pulled out a small drawer from under the table. I pulled out a dark green sweatshirt and grey joggers from underneath the compartment, thankful that I went down to the laundry mat yesterday and all my clothes, thankful it only costed me three dollars to wash everything.

     I looked at myself one last time before ignoring breakfast and walking out the door, with my backpack it was only a mile walk, so with my height and long strides I'd be there in twenty minutes. And I predicted no one was here except the pot heads who liked to smoke before class. I waited in the empty foyer and began to read, sitting on top of a picnic table. It wasn't to long until hundreds of students walked in, talking about other students


I heard a gaggle of girls squeal as they walked past me, completely invisible, just the way I like it. I continued to read and occasionally listen in on conversations as if I was friends with them and actually got what they were saying...

    As more students poured in I looked up from my book and saw pair of eyes staring at me that belonged to a curly haired...boy? Whoever or whatever gender was cute but I didn't get up, I just stared as they made their way over...Wait what?

Bailey's POV

I couldn't get my eyes off of the boy who I saw look up and stare right back at me, wait is he looking at me? HOLY SHIT HE IS!! Jacquline looked at me strangely and began to talk loudly "Staring is rude." She smirked, but I didn't hear her as I made my way over to the beauty sitting on the table.

Alizeh POV

Oh my god...he's making his way over. I'm not trying to gain friends let alone develop a maybe crush. However I stay where I am as he makes his way to me. We stare at eachother for a minute. I need to get some way for him to go away. "You look like shit." I gave a half assed remark. God why did I say that.

Baileys POV

Those words seemed to shatter me, he looked so nice from far away and especially up close, "And you look like an ass." I say giving a rushed and frankly, stupid remark as it wasn't true, why couldn't it be true?...

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