Watching You Crumple

Start from the beginning


Ino stood confused, this was Naruto's mind? It was plain, just unending white space. Usually this is the place where she gets the motor control of her target's body, but why is she still here?

"Why hello there! Are you here to keep me company?" A gleeful voice announced from her right.

She turned to look at who had said that, it was a woman. Blood red eyes and hair, her skin a dark bronze colour. She had the body that could make any straight man fall for her and she was completely naked.

"Who are you?" Ino asked cautiously.

"Oh, I am sorry, where are my manners!" The woman yelped a hand flying over her cherry red lips, "My name is Time and I am the first defense."

Ino was surprised, a mind defense? One so well crafted as well. Ino understood that it was not really a woman or an entity, but simply a mental representation of one of the many defenses inside Naruto's mind.

"First defense? How many defenses are there?" Ino asked skeptically, this was troublesome.

The woman; Time as it is called, smiled brightly, "Oh creator has nine defenses around his mind. I am the first and the weakest one." Time looked down, "But no one has ever gotten past me."

"Really? Why is that?" Ino needed to know as much as possible, every defense had a weakness. Creator is obviously, Naruto.

"Because everyone would die before they find a way past me" Time had a very pitying smile.

"What?" Ino asked dubiously.

"That's my specialty you see. By coming into my domain, you actually granted me control over your body." Time was still smiling sadly.

"WHAT?!" Ino yelled. Impossible.


Ino's eyes opened and her body stood up.

Everyone watched surprised. Her eyes were red.

Naruto smirked as she bowed before him, "What shall I do, Creator?"

"The usual, Time." Naruto said.

Everyone watched in muted horror as Ino's body began changing.


"What are you doing to my body now?" Ino asked.

"I will start by aging your body, a year per second. In a minute, you will be eighty-two years old. Isn't that sad? You poor thing" Time spoke.

Ino watched in horror as the woman stepped back and gave her a nasty smirk.

"Creator was kind on you... usually, I don't inform the intruders of what is happening to their body before it is too late. And I usually wait till their bodies start turning to dust before kicking them out. But Creator wanted me to inform you now." Time pouted, "So you still have a chance to live if you go back out now."

Ino stepped back in shock.

"It has already been thirty five seconds, you better get out now you pathetic girl or you'll have to live with your life as old as your father's grandmother." Time sneered.

In a flash of panic, Ino cancelled the jutsu. Time vanished as the defense went back to dormancy.


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