I narrow my eyes at him and shake my head.
I head towards Laura's room without saying a word.
I was still upset about the  classmate zoning.

"You look horrible" I say as I observe Laura.

She is in bed with watery eyes, red face, redder nose, and her hair looked like she had been scratching it vigorously.

"Gee thanks. Just what I wanted to hear" she replies in a voice that tells me her nose is completely blocked.

"A flu shot would have saved you this suffering" I say sitting on the bed with a smile.

"I hate shots. I hate hospitals. My mom has been trying to get me to go. But I insist I'd be fine" she says pouting.

I smile. She looks like a stubborn four year old.

"Yea. She said so "

"You met her?" Laura asked

And I nod.

"Good. Since she has met you once, she won't ask any questions any other time she sees you here. My dad is hardly home in the day so you may not meet him for a while" she says and blows her nose loudly into a tissue. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Eeew piggy"

She chuckles "So tell me what happened at school today. Did I miss much?" She asks


O-kay where do I start?

I get comfortable and start to give Laura details of the days events.


I'm in the McGregor kitchen trying to fix dinner for myself and Laura.
I really hope she gets better soon.
Sick Laura is no fun.
I miss the old talkative, giggly Laura.
I hope the curry soup I'm making helps.
I learnt how to make it from foster home.
It helps me sometimes when I'm sick.

"Hi Mimi"

I jump and turn around to see Ben behind me .

"Hey! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I ask feigning annoyance.

I was actually strangely happy to see him.
He had been locked in his room ever since we got back.

He chuckles "jumpy much. What are you doing?"

"Making soup" I say dryly.

"Hmmm. Can I have some?. The cook is gone for the weekend so I'm starving" he says with a sigh.

I roll my eyes. "Sorry it's just for me and Laura"

He pouts "hey! Why can't I have some?"

I empty the soup into two bowls, place them in a tray and start to walk away.

"Because Laura is my friend and apparently you are not" I say harshly and walk out of the kitchen towards Laura's room.
"But..! What did I do?" He shouts after me sounding confused.

Serves him right.

He even had the nerve to give me a nickname .

Mimi! Really?

I thought we were just classmates?

God I hate being so upset over something this trivial.


I'm in the McGregor guest room laying in bed. It's 10pm. I'm sure everyone is asleep. Laura says this would be my room anytime I visit.

It's a medium sized room compared to Laura's. But back at the foster home, five girls shared this size of room.

THE BAD GIRL'S BOY Where stories live. Discover now