Nose Goes

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POV: Ally

"I'm not running any more laps coach." Catie said as her labored breathing filled the silence.

"You said your chest doesn't hurt, so I'm seeing if you're lying or not." Coach shrugged before signaling Catie to take another lap around the field.

She looked at me with an annoyed look on her face, but all I could do is mouth a 'sorry' before she started to run again.

I watched her strides get wider and wider as she tried to speed up and finish, but I could hear her breathing from home plate as I waiting for her.

She ran to the plate and as soon as she got there she practically put all of her weight on me and I held her to my chest. She collapsed in my arms from the pain that has to be killing her right now.

"What was that about you not being in pain?" Coach asked with a smirk behind Catie as I held her.

"Listen here you little shit. I will not pitch unless it's to her, and she will not let anyone else take her position. So you can grow the fuck up and let her play. You want to win, so let us win." I snapped at him as Catie's wheezing got worse. "Where is your inhaler the doctor gave you?" I whispered to her as I held her tight.

"My... bag..." She spoke in between each breath.

I walked her over to the dugout and sat her on the bench before getting her inhaler so she can open her airways enough to breathe again.

"Do you think you can play tomorrow?" Coach asked from behind me as I get her some water.

"If you stop running her like this maybe, but if she can't play, I won't play. I strongly suggest to leave her be so she can play tomorrow. You'll lose your two best players if you continue to be a dick so..." I warned coach as I sat closely beside her and she rested her head on my shoulder. I don't know how it's comfortable because I'm shorter than her.

Coach stood there for a second, not knowing how to respond, before simply nodding and leaving the dugout so he could go to the girls who were practicing fly balls in the outfield. 

"I think we should go home." I informed Catie as she steadied her breathing.

"I'm not leaving till the end Ally." Catie said as she matched my breathing.

"Catie, you are in no shape to continue." My tone got more strict as her stubbornness kicked in.

"Ally, I love you, but I'm not leaving." She sighed before getting up and leaving the dugout in the direction of the rest of the team.

I swear she could out stubborn a bull. I sighed as I stood before jogging to her side.

Our best hitter was hitting the balls straight up for the girls to catch them. Some made the attempt to make the diving catches. Catie and I on the other hand don't have to practice these. One reason being that we already know how, and two being the pop flys that we receive are much different than these.


"So what did y'all do practice at practice today?" Catie's mom asked as we ate at the dinning table in the big ass beach house.

"We dealt with our asshole of a coach." Catie said with a groan.

"Language." Her mom warned before eating again.

I put my hand gently on Catie's thigh in attempt to calm her down because her leg was bouncing up and down which is what she does when she is about to snap.

She stopped bouncing her leg as soon as my hand touched her, but then gripped her fork tightly, so I squeezed her knee once.

Everyone else began to talk so the room wasn't just filled with utensils hitting plates all while Catie was about to snap. Her temper has been really, really bad lately for some reason. I get why she would be mad at her mother telling her to watch her mouth when she was talking about how coach was being a complete and total dick. She got shut down when she was trying to answer, which is enough to piss her off recently for some reason that I need to find out.

"May I be excused?" Catie asked politely before wiping her face.

"You may." Her mother gave her permission before continuing the conversation about work with my mom.

Catie got up and went straight to our room and closed the door.

Her mom seemed completely oblivious to the fact that her daughter was about to lose it, or if she did notice she didn't address it for some reason.

"May I be excused as well?" I looked at Catie's mom with pleading eyes in a way to show why I was actually being excused.

"You may." She answered quickly.

I quickly stood up and pushed my chair in before going to our bedroom door which she locked of course.

"Catie?" I called out in a soft voice.

I heard her flipping shit in our room as she completely ignored me.

"Catie, open the door."

"You can't be near me right now, because once I snap I can't control myself and it doesn't matter who you are when I'm in that state. If I lose control... there is no stopping me. You just have to wait for me to calm down." She said in a soft tone from the other side of the door.

"Can I calm you so it doesn't happen?" My voice probably sounded just as useless as I felt. 

"There was a reason why my mother didn't ask me anything. She knows that there is no stopping it anyways so it's just a waste of everyone's time to try to prevent it." She sighed at the end, and then it went quiet. Dead silent.

So I sat down and leaned against the door so I could be there for her as soon as she is calm.

It's been about two hours of hearing her hitting the punching bag that hangs in the corner of the room and she shows no sign of stopping anytime soon, so I get a blanket and pillow out of the hall closet and lay down in front of the door since we have a game tomorrow night, but we have to be there by twelve in the afternoon so we can warm up.

I close my eyes and hope that she will calm down here soon, but if not it's okay either way.


A pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up before carrying me into Catie and I's room. My lungs take a deep breath as I wake up and Catie's scent welcomes me as she holds me to her chest tightly.

"Shh, go back to sleep baby. I've got you." She whispered to me as she got in bed with me still in her arms.

She carefully laid me beside her and rested my head on her chest before playing with my hair so I'd go back to sleep.

"I love you Ally. Just go back to sleep baby. I'll be here when you wake up. I'm okay now." She said in a hushed tone before she placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I slightly nodded my head before drifting back to sleep to the sound of her heartbeat.

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