History Repeating

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I don't even want to hear about any of that because, no." I quickly interrupted before he gets any ideas on going over my 'conception' further. "You don't know my parents like I do and think what you want about Aiden, but he is my mate. It makes no sense for him to be involved in any of this apart from being Brianna's watch dog and even that seems a little far fetched. She's of the light and-"

"When your parents found out, did they want to pack everything up and leave?"

I struggle to swallow at that. "Well, yes, but-"

Thinking that over, they hadn't wanted to go because they thought someone was out killing hybrids and people they knew. They had wanted to keep me away from my real father. Why?

"Who else did the witch befriend within the pack during her stay? Just you?" He knew all the questions to ask, all the things to pluck out of the last few weeks and really, none of it made any sense now.

I had no idea what was fact and what was fiction.

Someone was lying, but who?

"I needed to talk to you, away from everyone and everything. I'm sorry about how I got you here, but I needed a safe place for us." David speaks softly now, as if he knows just how beaten I am. "A fae friend of mine put you under one of her sleeping spells, the other two as well but the witch was coming so it wouldn't have lasted long for them. I only killed those who deserved it, and your friend did not. The other one, well, our time will come but it was not to be tonight. You're free to go, but I will be around to watch over you. I've lost you once without even knowing it, I won't let that happen again."

"How is Aiden so involved in this too? How can he be helping to hide me if we only met when he came with Brianna."

"I have history with that coven, with him. They took the job because the coven found out what I was looking for and why the others were being killed. So of course they came to help the pack hiding what I wanted."

I hated how his version of events made some kind of sense, but could any of it be true?

"So, um. I can just, go now?"

He nods and I'm not sure if I want to. Then again, staying isn't exactly appealing either.

"Your things are in the cab waiting out front. You can go whenever you're ready."

I don't know what to do. Frozen, I simply look up and wonder if it was worth begging some gods to help me. Charlie had said there were obstacles, was this just another of them?

"This is your parents house?" I ask.

"It was, well my fathers anyway. They divorced when I was young. He never remarried."

"Mum told me about that. You liked to waste your trust fund to annoy them."

He smiles. "Like I said. I was young. Luckily that phase didn't last long."

"Did you still see them, after you were changed?"

"How about I order you some dinner and we can talk some more?" He offers and not sure what I'm about to agree to, I accept his offer.

He took me to talk, uninterrupted and alone so we may as well make the most of the time while we had it. An hour later I'm eating pizza in his basement which is where the bulk of the furniture also resides. The TV is on low in one corner, more for background noise than to actually watch and apart from that, we only have candles to give us light. It's cosy and warm, plus with the addition of food, kind of a nice way to spend a night.

"By the time he died, he didn't know who I was anyway. Years ago he started to suffer from dementia. I told the carers I was his grandson and was able to spend some more time with him. I'm glad I did it." He sighed.

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