Welcome and Rules

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"It is perfectly okay to write garbage—as long as you edit brilliantly."
-C. J. Cherryh

Welcome to the 2018 Writing Wars! It will be run in very much the same way as last year's awards. The system seemed to work well. Hopefully we'll get more entries and not have to group genres again.

There will be slight differences though.
1) The cutoff mark for moving onto round two is 75%
2) After that it is 80% and then 85%

So basically so you have to be in the tip half and get above that mark. I'm doing this so that I can judge ahead, making my job much easier. It reduces the risk of me getting confused between books. Does that make sense?

Any book, no matter how popular or undiscovered stands a chance.

Entries close on the 31st of July 2018. No entries will be accepted after that. This date may change depending on how many entries are received, but you will be notified well in advance.

1) This may be war, but you are not to get in the way of your book's fight. Be respectful to the other competitors. Support each other and go read each others books if you want to do something nice for someone (and it also never hurts to know your opponents when it comes to war...)

2) Add this book to your library and a public reading list.

3) Follow this account for the duration of the content. You may unfollow if you wish when the contest ends. That means when ALL the winners have been announced, not when you are eliminated. This is so that you receive all relevant announcements and updates. Support those who get further than you. If you don't follow this rule you will be added to the list of Traitors and Deserters and not be allowed to take part in future events.

4) You must tag at least three people (I'm sure you all have some followers or follow some people who would be interested) when entering to spread the word.

5) Books must be written in English. I love other languages but this is the language of this contest.

6) Send me a message if you change your book title, genre or username or if you unpublish your book so that I can keep track of it.

7) The password is May the Odds be Ever in your Favour. Include this somewhere in your form so that I know you read the rules

8) You may enter multiple books, but only one per genre.

9) The book has to be the original work of the writer. No translations, things copied straight from the Internet, etc.

10) Enjoy the contest. May the best book win.

The Writing Wars 2018Where stories live. Discover now