Chapter 5: one step closer

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"M'lady they have reternd" smog says to me as he lands on a perch nearby

"Thank you smog and don't call me m'lady you know I don't like it"I say in reply

"No can do m'lady the Vikings are in the holding cells"he says taking off before I could tell him off

{Asher's pov}

"Asher wake up lad" I hear gobber say

*uggh my head* I think to myself as I retern to consaness

"What happend?" I ask out loud

"We were captured lad " gobber says helping me sit up

"By what?"asks fishlegs who seems to have woken up just before me

"Isn't it ovyas we were captured by dragons" ruffnut says

"It was gloryes" tuffnut replying to his sisters coment

"How and why did they capture us there mindless beasts" I say (a/n you have a death wish don't ya buddy)

"Ohh don't let lady hanna catch you calling them that" a male voice calls

We all tern towards the bars to see a man (a/n just see the pic it's eret but I'm terrible at dicripions)

We all tern towards the bars to see a man (a/n just see the pic it's eret but I'm terrible at dicripions)

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"Let us out NOW" the chief says finally weakening up

"No can do sir you see I can't do that" the man says

"I'm the chief what I say goes so I DAMAND YOU LET US OUT!!" Chief stoick says yelling at the end

"You might be A chief but your not my chief so until she says ......."

"She your chief is a girl" snotlout says laughing sadenly the mans hand shots thru the bars grabbing snotlouts shert pulling him towords him snotlout face swishes agents the bars

"Now lisin here never and I mean never insolt lady Hanna unless you want a very very very painful I clear" he says practically hissing the last words

"U-understud" snotlout says weekly

"Now that that's clears let...."

"Eret" a female voice shouts cuting him off

"Ya heather " he says as a beautiful girl comes in to view she had ebony black hair and green eyes and silver armour

"Hello beautiful why don't you let us out of this cage and get to know each other " snotlout says to the new arrival

"How bout no" the lady says flatly "oh and eret hanna wants to see them"

" very well lady hanna wants to see you so behave got it" the man-eret says

"You know she hates lady or m'lady or enything like that " the lady-heather says unlocking the door

" what makes you think we won't run " I ask harshly

" simple your on an island far far from Berk you have no weapons and while we have a dock we don't have any ships and your boat is hidden on a small island not far from hear" eret says leading up to the exit slowly

" if you don't have a ship how do you trade " gobber asks

"It's simple the very same way you Vikings got here ..." he says pushing open a door a light floods the room as we walked towards it (no don't go into the light I don't need my fanfiction to end any time soon) as we step out side to say we were suprized was puting it lightly

"Dragons" us berkens whisper

"How in the" gobber says

"Your trayyers to your kind" stoick says coldly

"How can we betray something we never were..... well with the exception of my brother of corse" heather says

"What kind of dragon is that" fishlegs pointing to a silver dragon that had a similar body to that of a deadly Nader the dragons scales seem similar to heathers armour

"Come here girl " heather says wisiling softly and surprisingly it lisind and aproched us

"Get on " heather says petting the dragon and hoping on to it

"You want us to ride on those beasts" I spit out

"Well it the only way to get to the upper levels " eret says hoping on to a unknown dragon (skullcrusher)

"There is no way in the name of Thor that were going any were near those devils" stoick says with a discussed look on his face

"Your coice " heather says shruging "get em " she calls the dragons by the entry (a zippleback , deadly Nader ,groncle and a monstrous nightmare (ill leave you to guess who thay are)) suddenly start to fly geabing us

The zippleback took the twins ,the groncule grabbed fishlegs ,the nightmare snatched snotlout ,the Nader grabbed me and the dragons heather and eret were riding grabbed stoick and gobber

"PUT US DOWN NOW" the cheaf yells

"Hahahahaha not happing "heather says laughing and giggling


Hi guys sorry for the long wait and eny ways hope you injoy the story and leave a comment down below

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