Brutal Truth Ch. 14.3

Start from the beginning

"Rile." Alex set down in front of him.

"Leave me alone."

"No. I'm not trained like your brothers. What's wrong?"

"Save your sympathy and understanding and all that crap for when you and Gabe do whatever it is you do."

Alex reddened. "I'm supposed to get angry now, say have it your way, and leave in a huff. Forget it. You want to hurt me? Fine, you have. Like no one else can, since y'all are the only ones I trust. A little. Go ahead. I'm not leaving."

They locked gazes for a long moment.

"I know you want to help, but go. What can you do that my brothers can't?"

"Fly after you and pester you."

"Spare me, Dr. Phil." Rile shoved her aside.

"Okay, Rile, have it your way." Alex followed him and picked up a discarded piece of pipe. "You're full of righteous anger? Then let's party." She swung the pipe at him.

He stopped it mid-swing and wrenched it from her grasp. She ducked as he threw it past her. She danced back a few steps, firing a staccato of blasts that he avoided.

"Playing for keeps?" Rile hurled his dagger.

Alex twisted out of its way, mostly. She clutched at the slice it had left while Rile retrieved it. She was unprepared for a kick to the middle and went down. Rile was on top of her in a second.

"Next time when I say I want to be alone, I mean it."

Alex looked down at the dagger at her throat and back up at Rile. Her mouth twisted in a small smile and she asked, "Now don't you feel better?"

He stared at her, incredulous.

Alex continued, "You should have seen your face when I swung that pipe at you. You looked like all your prayers had been answered now that you had someone to fight. Admit it, you feel better. Ow!" The wound throbbed in protest where he clutched it.

"Don't play with me." Rile's voice was harsh.

"I'm not. You shouldn't tear out every time you feel awful. After Morgan was done with me, I ran from the world. I hated everyone and everything. All I wanted was to be left alone. But it's not what we want, not really. It's not what we need. Please, Rile."

"All right." He sat back, regarded her a moment, then stood up. "But don't say anything for awhile. One, just one, stupid platitude and I'm outta here."

"Check, no stupid platitudes." At his fierce glare, Alex asked meekly, "Want to fly? It makes me feel better."


After about ten minutes of flight, Alex was sure that Rile would admit his mood was easing.

"You want to play counselor? You first," he said.

"What do you mean?" Experience made Alex wary of Rile's proposals.

"Tell me about this Morgan character. Everything you remember about him, what happened, and why you can't use your powers on him."

Alex was quiet for a long time.  "You're brutal."

"It sucks being asked all these personal questions, doesn't it? Being ordered to spill your guts because someone wants to 'help' you so they can feel better. Go ahead, tell me everything."

"Rile, I'm sorry."

"That's not the right answer. You started this, now finish it."

"Let's land first. You, of course, are as obligated to spill your guts as I'm about to," Alex warned.

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