One: Reasoning (yoonseok/sope)

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"welcome you came faster than I thought you would. But come on don't be mad. I didn't tell any teacher or anything so you are good."

Yoongi frowned at Hoseok and shut the door placing his bag at the door. "Sorry for yelling and slamming your door open." He rubbed the back of his neck and walked over to Hoseok and sat down on the couch/chair that was across from Hoseok. He was nervous, not because he knew they would have sex, they pretty much did it all the time. Well they use to since they shared a room, and they both pretty much drank and did drugs until yoongi stopped. He was nervous to see what Hoseok had planned for him.

"So-" he was cut off by Hoseok.

"Look Yoons, I was mad that you didn't come up to me and talk to me about your struggling, I mean I AM your best friend. You told Taehyung before coming and telling me which is pretty upsetting. Then realizing you are selling out you beautiful body to people. People I don't know, that are probably old and not good for you. Hell are probably even female and I know how much you hate that" He stood up and walked to YoonGi putting both hands on the back of the chair like couch by his head. "You know you becoming basically the school Slut because of me, is like a dream come true." He purred into Yoongi's ear gently biting the tender lobe. As hoseok did that he tensed up a little. "At least then I will know who you are with and I will know who hurts you and I could protect you." He lifted up YoonGi's chin so he was looking at him " and think of all the things you can gain from this. From the people at this school. All rich, hot, and horny. Hell I know a few who would pay millions just to have a night alone with you. There is a lot of people at the school who are just smitten with you and would love to fuck you. No would love to just touch you~"

YoonGi bit his lip listening. " w-why though?" "Because look at your beautiful milky skin, light pink lips and the way your dyed blonde hair falls over you perfect face when you are looking up at someone. Or how you try to hide you embarrassment." Slightly running his hand over YoonGi's that is laying in his lap..

  YoonGi bit his lip harder than before looking up at Hoseok seeing his lustful eyes and small smirk. "P-please Hos- Hobi, don't look at me like that. And please d-don't talk like that."

"Kiss me and I won't look at you like that without a reason." Hoseok smirked bigger and licked his lips at him as he knew how to make the shorter boy bend at his will. "Don't make me beg for one."

      YoonGi gave in with a pitiful whine and kissed his friend. Hoseok kissed him back softly then smiled pulling away only to earn a loud needy whimper from YoonGi. "Awe yoons do you want me that bad~" he growled softly. YoonGi frowned and spoke "it's been over two weeks since the last time we, we f-f-fucked. N-now you just like teasing me."

You can skip if you like
I suck at writing it anyways so you won't miss much.
A/N if you cannot tell already YoonGi is in away clingy like to Hoseok and later on you will find out more why he is. And he is also very submissive.

Hoseok smirked looking at him. "So you do miss me?" YoonGi slightly nodded and questioned "it is like my escape from reality? You're my escape" Hoseok chuckled softly picking him up and carrying him bridal style to the bed. "I know it is." He dropped YoonGi on his bed and YoonGi let out a small yelp looking at the other male for was crawling over him. "Its the same for me Yoongi." He leaned down and kissed YoonGi with straight passion.

   YoonGi kissed him back untucking his own school shirt. He hated that they have to wear uniforms and hated that he was the only one who actually followed it except when he was in gym or playing ball. He broke the kiss with Hoseok and looked him up and down. He thought Hoseok looked amazing in it compared to himself. Hoseok clicked his tongue causing YoonGi's eye to flutter back up to his.

School Slut (Min YoonGi/Suga X BTS mxm bxb)Where stories live. Discover now