{F l o r a}

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I'd wake up at 5:30 in the morning for school
and you'd be sitting on your end of the couch
eating your two pieces of toast with jelly and your cup of
black coffee
You'd be watching the news
and remind me to dress warm today even if it was 70 degrees outside

You would ask me what did I want to eat for breakfast
and I would say I wasn't hungry
but you'd insist I eat something before school because
"breakfast is the most important meal of the day"
and I'd reluctantly agree to eat a bagel or a sausage and biscuit to make you happy

You would make sure I had everything I needed for school
and I would give you a hug and tell you that I loved you
and that I will see you when I get home after school

It never occurred to me that one day you wouldn't be here when I got home

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