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The journey to Laketown was fishily swift.

Raine, ignoring her tired and aching limbs, turned down Bard the Bowman's offer for a place to rest and set off.

She managed to find/steal an apple or two and a loaf of bread before making her way to the lake's shore on the mountain side.

She looked up at the Lonely Mountain, feeling dread settle like an extra cloak over her shoulders.

She knelt at the foor of the mountain and looked up.

"Oh misty eye of the mountain below," she said. "Keep carefull watch of my brothers' souls." A tear trickled down her cheek. "And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke." She wiped the tear away. "Keep watching over Durin's sons."


When Bilbo stepped onto the ledge in front of the door, he sagged in relief.

"Raine! I thought you were gone!"

She smiled meakly. "I couldn't let you face the dragon alone, could I?"

She watched as a hand full of the dwarves also stepped up. They seemed happy to see her, but uncertain.

Thorin appeared last and when he saw her he glowered. "What are you doing here?" he asked harshly.

She met his gaze. "As you might recall, Thorin Oakenshield, I made a promice. And I intend to keep it."

Raine stood and moved to the cliff face where the door should appear. "The last light..." She frowned and looked at the setting sun.

When she stepped aside, the dwarves desperately searched for a keyhole.

When they found nothing, Thorin's shoulders sagged. "We have failed," he said, tossing the key.

Bilbo caught it before it fell from the mountain.

As the dwarves moved back the way they came, Raine and the hobbit stayed behind. He gave her a questioning look. "Aren't we leaving?"

The sun faded and the moon appeared.

The Guardian stood and  looked behind him. She grinned suddenly. "The last light of Durin's day."

"Moonlight?" Bilbo asked. "Get back up here! It's not the sun it's the moon!"

Raine watched as her friend inserted the key into a small hole and a door appeared.

Thorin leapt onto the ledge, a shocked expression on his face. "Well done, master burglar!" he grinned.

The group stepped into the hallway and rested there, but Raine moved to the shadows, trying to hide her shaking hands.

"Let's go then!" Bilbo said.

She smiled. He was always so optimistic.

She nodded, regaining her composure. "Let's go."

She turned to Thorin who was ignoring her. "I gave Legolas something to give to you, should I not return. You may do with him what you please, but I hope you'll treat Mozzie with respect."

She bowed to the rest of the Company and lead Bilbo down the halls of Erebor.

She shivered when they reached the treasury. "Dragon ilness is creeping through this place. We must hurry."

Suddenly Bilbo dived towards something.

He jumped up truimphantly, holding a glowing white stone in his fist. "I have it!" he grinned.

Then his coat flapped at his legs and something behind him stirred.

Raine froze, but there was no use denying the facts. The dragon was awake.

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