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Riding up beside Balin later that morning, Raine handed him her contract with a small smile.

He grinned at her. "Welcome to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield!"

"It is an honour," she replied before  guiding her horse next to the hobbit.

"You seem uncomfortable," she stated, eyeing how Bilbo sat on the red pony. "Relaxing makes it easier to ride."

He nodded with a nervous chuckle. "I am not an animal person."

He sneezes suddenly, muttering something about horse-hair until he called for a halt.

"I forgot my handkerchief."

Gandalf rode up beside him, speaking about what else would have to be done without on the journey and ultimately allowing Raine to zone out.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Thorin called for rest.

She took care of her horse before moving to scan their surroundings. Once she was sure it was safe, she returned to the little piece of flat in the path up the cliffside.

She sat on a boulder a few feet away from the fire, listening to the soft crackles of the flames.

"I belive you have a story to tell," Thorin said suddenly.

She looked up and met his gaze and nodded.

Fili and Kili perked up from where they were smoking, grinning at each other. "So tell it then!" Kili said.

Raine sighed and crossed her legs on the boulder, purposefuly meeting Gandalf's gaze before looking back at the fire.

Thorin also locked his gaze with the flames.

"I am part of an order that has dedicated itself to dragons: restraining, vanquishing, sometimes protecting," Raine said.

"We call ourselves Guardians.

"I believe Gandalf has asked me to join your Company because he believes my link to dragons can help in reclaiming Erebor."

"So you're a dragon-whisperer?" Fili asked.

Raine nodded. "I can speak a dragon's native tongue as well as Orc and Elvish."

"But what's with th cloak?" Kili pondered.

She smiled a small smile. "It helps quite a lot if the dragon can't see you hiding in the shadows."

She looked at Thorin who was watching her. "That is my story for now." She glanced around at the onlooking dwarves. "Sleep now, you need rest."


The following morning, the Company was more on guard after hearing the squeals of Orcs the pervious night.

"I'm going to ride ahead," Raine said.

Thorin nodded hesitantly. "Be safe."

She frowned slightly at his order, galloping ahead.

She stopped when she reached a burned down hut, crouching in the doorway. "A farmer and his family lived here," she muttered to herself.

She stood and turned when she heard ponies snorting behind her.

She found herself smiling when the rest of the Company arrived. She moved towards Gandalf. "You should see this..."

After the wizard turned to Thorin, she moved to Bilbo. "Did you ride easier today?"

He nodded, smiling. "Maybe horses aren't that bad." He looked over her shoulder.


But the wizard was already in his way.

Raine frowned after him. Classic Gandalf.

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