Chapter 4: Surprise

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Zatanna was holding Sidney and Athena close to her chest as she used her magic to get to Wally's house. "You guys have to stay here for a second, I'll be back with something for you to eat." She walked across the room to the kitchen for food with a thought stuck on her mind. 'God, why isn't Wally picking up the phone?' she heard two swooshing noises but just assumed it was the kids.

"Who are you! Why are you in my house! Aren't you going to answer!" Zatanna ran over to the kids and picked them before turning in Wally's direction.

"Wally! What are you doing, you can't just yell at two toddlers like that! I need to talk to you, now!" Both kids shrunk themselves down in her arms. "Hey, I'm going to talk to him for a second, can you stay here." They nodded as Zatanna pulled Wally to the kitchen.

"Who are those children in my living room?" Wally questioned without noticing the similarities between the children and himself. Zatanna looked at him with a look of disbelief.

"Are you really that dense that you don't see it? Wally, those kids over there are yours and Artemis' the shadows came after her tonight and she wants you to keep them safe. They've been wanting to meet you for the longest amount of time. You need to watch over your kids, you can do the math to find out how old they are but I'll tell you what you need to know. Their names are Sidney Richard West and Athena Aubrey West, she wanted them to have your last name. They were born on August 8 the day that you and Artemis met, funny I know. They need you Wally, they don't know about Artemis and you can't tell them, just watch them though." Wally looked down at the ground with a saddened expression.

"I have two kids that I didn't know about and now they're four year olds, how could you not tell me, how could Artemis not tell me? I thought that she loved me but instead all she did was leave and not tell me that she's pregnant. With twins, also. The hard thing is I still love her not in a friend type of way but I the love of my life type of way. I don't even really love Linda she's my rebound and I don't want to hurt her." Zatanna looked shocked at this news but had a smile playing on her lips.

"So, you're still in love with my best friend, the mother of your children, that's a good choice for a chick right there. If it helps anything, she still loves you, she's still in love with you. When she left and right when she had the twins, she told me and Dick to watch after you and make sure you're okay. She never stopped asking us about how you're doing, the kids already love you even though they've never met you all they talk about is meeting you one day, as I said before. She loves you and they do to, they each need you, now are you going to be there for them or not?" Zatanna finished looking into Wally's emerald eyes, he nodded in her direction before going to the living room and picking up the kids.

"I'm going to be there for my kids and Artemis, I'll do what I need to so that they each are safe, I promise you and them. I'll put them in the guest room for now, you can get going back to Dick, I'll call you later." She nodded before she left. He put them down on the bed before he walked away he tucked them in. He started walking but was stopped by his children's' voices.

"Are you mad at us Daddy?" Sid asked squeezing his sister's hand. She squeezed it back as they waited for an answer.

"No Sid, I'm not mad at you. I was confused before and I'm sorry for yelling at the both of you earlier I didn't mean it." He now sat on the bed next to him. "Sid, Athena, I promise not to act like that again."

"You know our names Daddy, I thought you didn't know about us. It's okay, we get confuse and mad sometime to." Wally looked at them and pulled both of them into his lap. "We love you and Mommy does too." He smiled down at her before they continued. "Daddy, when can we see Mommy again, she said we would be with you for awhile and not to worry. We is worried though, when Mommy had us in our rooms and thought we were asleep, we heard a guy downstairs. He said Mama had to go into the shadows with him or he would take us instead. He also said that he would tell the others about me and my sister. I think he wanted to hurt us or Mommy." Athena was now crying and held her father and brother closer.

"I won't allow them to hurt you guys, I promise you. I love your mother and I won't let anything to happen to her either." They both looked up at him.

"Will you and Mommy ever get back together?" Sidney and Athena both asked at the same time as they looked into his emerald eyes. Wally looked into their eyes and forced a sad smile before answering the twins' question.

"I'd like that, I just don't know about your mother. I have to handle this one person, it's past your bedtime so it's time for you to go to sleep." They laid back and yell asleep in Wally's arms, placing kisses on their forehead he tucked them back into bed. "Thanks Artemis, for giving me a family that I can love. I just wish you would've told me when you found out, I probably would've freaked out but I would never stop loving you, nothing can ever do that." Wally whispered before leaving the room.

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