Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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The cave was filled with all of its members just hanging around. Artemis and Wally were sitting next to each other on the couch as she was soaking in their last moments. She was just holding his hand and cuddling up to him. The warmth radiating off of his body and warming her up. He was holding her close not even knowing the fact that this was the last time they would be together. She was leaving him that very same night because of a little secret that she had.

"I'm sorry," she said out of the blue. He looked down at her out of confusion. "I'm sorry for all the times that I've hurt you." This had more meaning than it was actually handed at the moment. She was going to hurt him, not physically but emotionally and mentally, she felt like she had to get away from him, she didn't want to ruin his future.

"What are you talking about, don't be sorry. You haven't hurt me, are you feeling alright? No seriously, what are you talking about?" She looked into his emerald eyes before talking.

"Nothing, it's nothing at all, don't worry about it." Wally looked into her eyes and all she wanted to say was, 'Wally, I need to tell you already. I'm pregnant and that's what's wrong with me, I don't want to ruin your life or your future. I love you very much but I'm leaving and you can't stop me,' instead she just sat there silent after they stopped speaking.

"Okay, I won't worry, for now anyways." The time for Artemis to leave has arrived and she didn't want to go, leaving Wally would be the toughest thing for him and her. She got off the couch and kissed him for the last time. "Bye Artemis, I love you." She nodded her head before speaking.

"Bye Wally, I love you too," she walked off to the zeta tubes and went home with tears in her eyes. She walked into her apartment and went straight to her Mom when she arrived. She had tears when she hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, Mom." they hugged each other tight while her Mom tried to calm her down.

"Don't be sorry, you feel that you need to do this, just promise to stay in contact with me, okay?" Artemis nodded her head to her as she cried in her arms.

"I promise you, I'll always keep in contact with you, I won't ever lose contact with you, I promise." she smiled to her before going to get her suitcases. Everything was packed up so she just dragged them down to the living room.

"Where will you be living now, Artemis? You can definitely stay here with me, I wouldn't mind that." She smiled before answering her Mom.

"I'll be living in the better part of Gotham for a little while, then when I get some better money I'll move somewhere in Central City when I'm older later. That will be when I get enough money to be on my feet with enough to buy supplies. Plus, I don't want to be too far away from Wally." her Mom nodded in her direction once again.

"Does Wally know about you being pregnant?" Artemis had her eyes popping out of their sockets. She looked into her Mom's eyes before she took deep breaths and answered.

"No, he doesn't, and you can't tell him! Promise me Mom, please!" She nodded her head.

"I promise, but you should tell him. You're finishing school, right? You have all of your credits so all you need is to finish the semester and you're free. You only have a couple weeks left so just go through with it please, for me." Artemis nodded her head in her direction.

"I'll finish this semester in Gotham academy, if Wally comes by don't tell him where I am." she walked over to the door again before saying goodbye one last time in her apartment. She put her bags into the compartment on her motorcycle before riding off to her new apartment.

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