0.5 | sorting hat + meeting new . . . friends

Start from the beginning

"Rosie! What happened here?" Sev and Sirius yelled at the same time. "Lillian here told me she wanted to speak to me so I came outside with her and Marlene and Mary held me back, Alice and Dorcas pointed their wands at me, and she herself went on about how Oxford Academy must've made a mistake because she was smarter. That whole thing was about being smarter." Dumbledore emerged from the crowds and assessed the situation. "Everyone but Misses Evans, Miss Meadows, Miss McKinnon, Miss Fortescue, and Miss MacDonald, please return to your dorms." There was a flurry as people left. Marlene and Mary were woken up, Lillian, Alice, and Dorcas were un-jinxed, and I simply slipped my wand into my pocket, and followed Dumbledore.

"Miss Evans- Lily-, Miss Fortescue, Miss MacDonald, Miss Meadows and Miss McKinnon. I am very very disappointed in your behaviour tonight." "It was her!" Marlene whined. "She attacked us!" "Correction. I defended myself because Miss Meadows was about to throw a punch at me." "You kicked us!" Mary exclaimed angrily. "You had no right to be holding me down, Miss MacDonald, so for you information, it was simply self defence." I sneered. She glared daggers at me, but I ignored her. "Here's what will happen. You five who I said earlier will be receiving a week of detention, and Miss Evans, you will get a warning on your title as prefect. If you get one more strike, your tittle as prefect will be taken away from you." They started complaining until he raised his hand. "'Miss Evans, the new one, shall not receive punishment as all she did was self defence. You girls had no right to go and hold her down like that. Your parents will also be informed of this, and if they have any extra punishment they would like to add, that is up to them. Now, Miss Rosalie Evans, please stay. I would like to have a conversation with you. The rest of you ladies are dismissed."

After talking to Dumbledore about classes, I headed to the Gryffindor tower escorted by Professor McGonagal. "Bravery." The portrait swung open and she led me to my dorm. "This is your dorm. You will be sharing it with two other girls." I thanked her and headed into the room. It had four beds, but only two were occupied. The beds had pretty red silk hanging from the posts, and a bedside table on each side. There was also a door, presumably leading to a bathroom, and sitting on each bed, was a girl.

One, was pretty tall, with long brown hair, gorgeous brown eyes and pale skin. She was sitting on her bed reading a book, dressed in pyjamas.

The other, was middle night, with brown hair, and hazel/green eyes. Freckles were dotted along her olive skinned face, and she was writing something down, also in pyjamas.

"Oh hello! You must be our new roomie!" The girl with black hair said. "I'm Kylie Plait, and this is Emma Evergreen." "Nice to meet you both. I'm Rosalie Evans, but you can call me Rosie." "Are you the one who kicked Lily Evans' ass?!" Emma exclaimed, jumping up excitedly. "Yeah, she's my twin sister, but I was accepted to Oxford Academy and she wasn't so she got her little friends to hold me back while she went on about how the Academy must've made a mistake, and then I said that she was pathetic and her little friend Dorcas tried to punch me so I kicked Mary, kicked Marlene, and my hands were free, I turned Dorcas and Alice to stone, then I duelled with Lillian and I won. They got a weeks detention, and their parents will be informed, and I got nothing!" I was rambling by then, and when I was done, I blushed. "That's really cool! I hate that group." Kylie scrunched her nose as Emma agreed. "Lily thinks she's all that because she's a prefect and James Potter's after her. Marlene thinks she's the prettiest girl in our school, and she's a freaking slut. Dorcas thinks she's so tough, but one time in third year, someone called her ugly and she cried. Mary is dumber then a pile of rocks, and all she cares about is makeup and gossip. And Alice, well, she's kind of the tag along. She's in a relationship with Frank Longbottom, but she's not faithful." When Emma finished, I smiled. "I like you both already." "Great. Friends?" "Friends." I confirmed.

Spells and meaning:

Aqua Eructo:
Shoots a stream of water from casters wands, sort of like Aguamenti, but stronger.

Shielding charm.

Aresto Momentum:
Causes target to move slower, as if they were in honey, kind of. It's hard to explain. . .

Everte Statum:
Causes target to be thrown back through the air.

Petrificus Totalus:
Causes target to be frozen, or, petrified, as it sounds in the first part of the spell.

Repels substances, in Rosie's case, the water Lillian shot at her.

Causes hot white lightning to be shot from casters wand.

Protego Maxima:
Stronger version of Protego (shielding charm).

Causes victim to become solid hard ice.

Causes target to be turned into stone.

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