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A month ago, Yoongi never saw himself trudging through a forest, arm linked with that of some boy he's only know for a couple of weeks. He wasn't someone who kept close company, and he was most certainly not an adventurous soul. He feels his toes catching on every leaf and pebble, but Taehyung is right beside him to haul him through every stumble and stutter-step at a brisk pace that he is sure he would never be able to accomplish on his own.

He can feel the sun breaking through the clouds and dusting a light flush over his cheeks and his palms are clammy as he dreads whatever Taehyung has in store for him. He would like to doubt the boy, can feel his chest tightening now as the thought builds up, but he can not shake a feeling of comfort- no, not comfort. He would be lying if he said he was wary of Taehyung.

With Taehyung, he feels a sense of kinship. The boy is kind, charismatic and mischievous, he is warm. He scans over the boy's back, taking in the broadness of his shoulders and the slope of his neck. There is a moment where he thinks he looks like a stranger from behind, but the boy is turning to face him, their feet halted and Yoongi takes him in from a different angle. The kid is the definition of boyishly good-looking and he wonders if such a face was among cold city streets rather than under the sun and adorned with the scent outside air. Had Yoongi known him as a city dweller, would they speak to one another? He thinks maybe not. Had he not met Taehyung in a place like he did, he would have turned the other way. He wonders how much that says about his character.

"Please tell me we are done walking, I can't handle taking one more step," Yoongi groans, shoulders slumping and body sagging. The kid nods, and Yoongi is about to allow his legs to give out beneath him so he is seated once again on the ground, but Taehyung looks him in the eye, all playfulness gone. Yoongi quirks a brow, wiping his wet palms on his jeans and just waiting for what comes next.

Taehyung takes a cautious look around them, and he follows suit. They are much farther into the wooded area than preferable for him, and his curiosity peaks. Taehyung moves around to his side, then continues to stand behind him. "What are you doing-"

Suddenly, there are hands covering his eyes and he begins to sweat nervously. "Okay, don't worry Yoongi, everything is okay, but I just need you to do one thing for me." He speaks softly, a deep, rumbling vibrato that resonates in his chest. He remains as calm as possible. He trusts Taehyung.

"And that is?" He barks impatiently.

Taehyung chuckles, "I was getting there." He shuffles his feet and waits for him to continue. "When I remove my hands, try not to look only with your eyes. You need to be open minded. Try to think back to when you were a child, when anything was possible." Yoongi feels his heart rate pick up- if only a few beats faster, and he almost stops Taehyung from taking away the shield over his eyes.

His vision floods with light, eyes struggling to adjust after only second of darkness, and he flinches back. Just in case. Taehyung laughs, voice bright once again. Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut once more, and when he looks up at last, his mouth gapes open.

If he could remember correctly, the forest had been a simple outdoor color palette: blue sky, varying shades of green and brown, clear water. Now, as he turns his head left and right- right and left, his surroundings explode with color. Vivid fuchsia, cerulean blue, and lime green invade his senses. Large floral bodies lie fluttering in the gentle wind along the forest floor. Deep brown tree bark looks like someone has taken a multitude of paints to it, having stripes running the length of even the thinnest branches. Bird sounds he's never heard before reach his ears and he hears the far away call of some unknown animal and shivers while imagining what it could be. The sky is sapphire, glittering with tiny luminescent specks in neon hues. The specks dart about at different speeds, never stilling for even a fraction of a second.  The sight before him equates to a technicolor masterpiece, striking and ahead of its time. 

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